The need for treatment of wastewater beyond that which can normally be accomplished in sec-
ondary treatment is based on the recognition of one or more of the following:
1 . Increasing population pressures result in increasing loads of organic matter and sus-
pended solids to rivers, streams, and lakes.
2. The need to increase the removal of suspended solids to provide more efficient disinfection.
3. The need to remove nutrients to limit eutrophication of sensitive water bodies.
4. The need to remove constituents that preclude or inhibit water reclamation.
Initially, in the 1970s, these processes were called “ad
vanced wastewater treatment” because
they employed techniques that were more advanced than secondary treatment methods. In the
last three decades many of these technologies have either been directly incorporated into the
second ary processes, for example nu
trient removal, or they are so inherent in m eeting stringent
discharge standards that they have become c onventional. These processes include chemical
precipitation, granular filtration, membrane filtration, and carbon adsorption. As conventional
processes , they are better termed tertiary treatment processes rather than an advanced treatment
process. In current practice, the employment of air stripping, ion exchange, NF or RO treatment,
and other similar processes to meet water quality requirements is correctly termed advanced
wastewater treatment. A dvanced wastewater treatm ent technologies are, fund amentally, those
employed to treat water for reuse.
The di
scussion in this chapter focuses on tertiary treatment processes: chemical precipitation,
granular filtration, membrane filtration, and carbon adsorption. The emphasis in this chapter is on
the application of these technologies in tertiary treatment of wastewater.
Because phosphorus is a c ritical element in the promotion of eutrophication, restrictions on
discharge concentrations are establis hed for many NPDES permits. Before the development
of biological phosphorus removal (BPR) technology, chemical precipitation was the primary
means of removing phosphorus. In many c
ases, it is still the only practical method of achieving
standards because of space or economic constraints. In addition, it is often provided in BPR
plants as a prudent backup in case of process upset or because stringent standards cannot be met
with BPR alone.
The theory of pho
sphorus precipitation and design strategies are discussed in this section.
The design of mixing systems and settling tanks are discussed in Chapters 6 and 10.
All polyphosphates (molecularly dehydrated phosphates) gradually hydrolyze in aqueous solu-
tion, and revert to the ortho * form
from which they were derived. Phosphorus is typically
found as monohydrogen phosphate
in wastewater.
* Ortho i s the terrm used to designate the highest degree of hydration of the salt. For benzene rings, ortho refers to the number
2 and 6 positions.