5.2 Local Approximations to Polyharmonic Splines 137
the eight unknowns
s[[±i, ±j]],
s[[±j, ±i]] are constrained to be equal. The key
to computing the remaining unknown coefficients lies in minimizing the residual
r[x, y] of the form
r[x, y] = l[x, y]
s[x, y] − l[x
, y
Observe that any subdivision mask
s[x, y] that causes the residual mask r[x, y]
to be zero yields a subdivision scheme that produces solutions to equation 5.6. In
keeping with the spirit of the analysis of Chapter 3, we choose to minimize the
∞-norm of the residual mask r[x, y]; that is, minimize
Ma x
i, j
|r[[2i, 2j]]|,
i, j
|r[[2i + 1, 2j]]|, (5.10)
i, j
|r[[2i, 2j + 1]]|,
i, j
|r[[2i + 1, 2j + 1]]|
This minimization problem can be expressed as a linear programming problem in
the unknowns of the subdivision mask
s[x, y]. To construct this linear program,
we first convert the expressions
|r[[i, j]]| appearing in expression 5.10 into a set
of inequalities. To this end, we express the unknown
r[[i, j]] as the difference of
two related unknowns
[[ i , j]]− r
[[ i , j]], where r
[[ i , j]] ≥ 0 and r
[[ i , j]] ≥ 0. Given
this decomposition, the absolute value of
[[ i , j]] satisfies the inequality |r[[i, j]]|≤
[[ i , j]]+ r
[[ i , j]]. Observe that during the course of minimizing the sum r
[[ i , j]]+
[[ i , j]] one of the variables r
[[ i , j]] and r
[[ i , j]] is forced to be zero, with remaining
variables assuming the absolute value
|r[[i, j]]|.
Based on this transformation, minimizing expression 5.10 is equivalent to min-
imizing the variable
obj subject to the four inequality constraints
[[ 2 i , 2j]]+ r
[[ 2 i , 2j]] ≤ obj ,
[[ 2 i , 2j + 1]] + r
[[ 2 i , 2j + 1]] ≤ obj ,
[[ 2 i + 1, 2j]]+ r
[[ 2 i + 1, 2j]] ≤ obj ,
[[ 2 i + 1, 2j + 1]] + r
[[ 2 i + 1, 2j + 1]] ≤ obj .
Because the coefficients r[[i, j]] are linear expressions in the unknown coefficients
s[x, y], substituting these linear expressions for r[[i, j]] leads to a linear pro-
gram whose minimizer is the approximate mask
s[x, y]. For example, Figures 5.12
and 5.13 show the
5 ×5 and 9 × 9 masks
s[x, y], respectively, for harmonic splines.
Observe that each of these masks is an increasingly accurate approximation of the
exact mask shown in Figure 5.6.