Types of
Important in understanding the fundamental principles and concepts of hydropower
engineering is the development of good word definitions that can be extended into
visual and
rnathematical expressions. Such words as
work, energy, power, demand,
load, head,
have special meaning in the language of those working in
the field of hydropower engineering.
is transferred energy and is the product of force times the distance
is the capacity to do work. Water, by its very nature of being a fluid
that moves easily by action of gravity, has energy. The work done by water in pro-
ducing electrical energy is usually measured
kilowatt-hours (kwh). The energy
from water
can be either potential energy by virtue of position, pressure energy due
to the water pressure, or kinetic energy by virtue of the water's moving force or
action. Later mathematical expressions and graphical
prescntations will verify this
is the rate of transferring energy or work per unit of time. It is calcu-
lated as force times distance divided by time. In hydropower language it is measured
in kilowatts
and is also expressed in horsepower (hp) units. Power capacity is
often used in referring to
the rated capability of the hydro plant to produce energy.
Manufacturers of hydraulic turbines are usually required to specify what the rated
capacity of their units is in either horsepower or kilowatts.
Two words
used in hydroelectric terminology are
The terms are often used synonymously, but here they are used with slightly
different meanings.
refers' to the amount of power needed or desired;
refers to the rate at which electrical energy is actually delivered to or by a systeni.
In this context, load can include the output from several hydropower plants. It
should be noted that load and demand are related to the uses that are being made
of the electrical energy.
important job of the engineer is to plan for and match
power capacity at hydro plants with energy loads and demands. Implied is the need
to have hydropower energy integrated with other modes of energy production.
The power capacity of a hydropower plant is primarily a
fi~r~ction of two
main variables of the water: (1) water discharge, and (2) the hydraulic head.
is the volume rate of flow with respect to time through the plant.
gate discharge
is the flow condition which prevails when turbine gates or valves
fully open. At maximum rated head and full gate, the maximum discharge will flotv
through the turbine.
Rated discharge
refers to a gate opening or plant discharge
which at rated head produces the rated power output of the turbine.
Hydraulic head
is the elevation difference the water falls in passing through
the plant.
Gross head
of a hydropower facility is the difference between headwater
elevation and tailwater elevation.
is the water in the forebay or
poundment supplying the turbine;
is the water issuing from the draft tube
Net head
is the effective head on the turbine and is equal to the gross head
minus the hydraulic losses before entrance to the turbine and outlet losses.
(1954) defines
design head
as the effective head for which the turbine is designed
for best speed and efficiency.
Rated head
is the lowest head at which the full-gate
discharge of
thz turbine will produce the rated capacity of the generator. It is
normally referred to as the
rated net head
in the guarantee of the manufacturer.
The term is sometimes used interchangeably with the term
effective head.
term used is
crirical head. Engineering Monograph No.
of the
of the Interior
defines critical head as the net head or effective head at
which full-gate output of the turbine produces the permissible overload
on the
generator at unit power factor. This head will produce maximum discharge through
the turbine. "Critical head" is used in studies of cavitation and turbine setting.
which will be discussed later. Sheldon and Russell (1982) present a
reference of the various head definitions and terms.
As water passes through a hydropower plant, its energy is converted into electrical
energy by a prime mover known as a hydraulic
or water wheel. The turbine
has vanes, blades, or buckets that rotate about an axis by the action of the water.
The rotating part of the turbine or water wheel is often referred to as the
Rotary action of the turbine in turn drives
electrical generator that produces
electrical energy or could drive other rotating machinery.
Hydraulic turbines are machines that develop torque from the dynamic and
pressure action of water. They can be grouped into two types. One type is an