Advanced simulation techniques in vehicle noise 177
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
ings for the latter, linear models can well be used for noise and vibration
analyses as even extreme noise loads should never cause any plastic defor-
mation of any load-carrying structure.
Powertrain FE models for application to vehicle noise and vibration
refi nement represent the engine (this model consists predominantly of
solids) and transmission as well as drive shafts. Further FE models repre-
sent the exhaust, intake, accessory drive, powertrain mounts, etc. It needs
to be noted that real-world operational temperatures need to be taken into
account, in particular for exhausts, to correctly represent actual structural
All these individual FE models need to be combined into one single FE
model. As almost all currently used FE tools are based on unique ‘grid’
numbers for each node of uniquely numbered elements, using uniquely
assigned material numbers to defi ne material properties, each number must
be used just once per category. Sophisticated internal numbering conven-
tions or effi cient renumbering mechanisms need to be applied for assembly
of a full vehicle FE model to avoid any grid, element or material number
duplication which would jeopardize the CAE model. Unlike in the early
stages of FE analyses, grid numbers no longer need to be manually allo-
cated to achieve best ‘narrowband’ system matrices for effi cient solution,
as up-to-date FE solvers do an internal reordering of system equations
anyhow to achieve best computational performance.
The main task for full vehicle analyses is to predict customer perceptions
of noise and vibration and to understand overall vehicle behaviour rather
than doing detailed subsystem optimizations (e.g. panel thickness, topology
optimization, etc.). Hence effi cient full vehicle analyses can be achieved
using ‘superelement’ techniques [3] by substructuring the vehicle FE model
into individual pieces (e.g. body structure, closures, suspension compo-
nents, etc.). Each superelement is processed individually at defi ned bound-
ary conditions; the solutions are then combined to solve the entire model.
The fi nal analysis (in which all of the individual superelement solutions are
combined) involves much smaller matrices than would be required to solve
the entire model in a single solution. This technique has the advantage of
reducing computer resource requirements, especially if changes are made
to just one component (superelement) of the vehicle; in this case, only the
affected superelement needs to be reanalysed and the fi nal analysis repeated.
For standard superelement analysis each piece is represented by a
reduced stiffness, mass and damping matrix, including all connection nodes
and analysis points, whereas component mode synthesis is a form of super-
element dynamic reduction wherein matrices are defi ned in terms of modal
coordinates (corresponding to the superelement modes) and physical coor-
dinates (corresponding to the grid points on the superelement boundaries).
The advantage of component modal synthesis is the signifi cantly smaller
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