Mid- and high-frequency problems in vehicle noise 143
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quantifi ed or modifi ed by changing mass, stiffness and damping or changing
geometry, adding isolators, foams, fi bres, etc.; and the receiver can be
quantifi ed or optimized by design for subjective response, sound quality,
reduction in levels, etc.
In order to predict noise and vibration, classic low-frequency approaches
are applied to establish system dynamic properties or system dynamic equa-
tions in a large number of degrees of freedom by use of fi nite element
dynamic analysis or an experimental modal analysis method, then to calcu-
late the system responses from excitation and the dynamic properties or
equations. For a typical saloon car, there are 3 × 10
structural modes and
1 × 10
acoustic modes at frequencies less than 10 kHz. Higher-order modes
are extremely sensitive to uncertainties in boundary conditions, material
properties and physical properties. It takes a long computational time to
solve the dynamic equations in the large number of degrees of freedom in
the high frequencies, and the results of the solutions are uncertain due to
the uncertainties caused by the material, manufacturing and assembly
process variations as shown in Fig. 7.1. This is because subsystem properties
and boundary conditions are not known precisely; short-wavelength
responses in higher-order modes are very sensitive to small uncertainties.
Therefore, traditional deterministic analysis methods are not appropriate
for problem solutions at high frequencies due to the expense and amount
of detail required. Alternative approaches are needed for high-frequency
noise and vibration prediction.
Statistical energy analysis (SEA) was originally developed in the 1960s
as a method of predicting the high-frequency response of dynamic struc-
tures [1]. Statistical energy analysis is a fi eld of study in which subsystems
are statistically described in order to simplify the analysis of complicated
structural–acoustic problems; the ‘S’ indicates systems drawn from a popu-
lation or ensemble, ‘E’ represents the fact that energy is the primary
response quantity of interest, and ‘A’ illustrates that SEA is an analysis
frame instead of one method. The power injection method and experimen-
tal techniques in comparison with analytical calculations such as imped-
ance/modal density calculations were developed in the 1970s. Commercial
codes such as VAPEPs, SEAM, AutoSEA, etc., appeared in the 1980s.
Leppington et al. [2] proposed radiation effi ciency formulations and k-space
approaches; more generic coupling loss factor calculations based on line
wave impedances were developed in the 1990s. Langley and co-workers
[3–6] generalized the wave approach and developed the hybrid FEA–SEA
method; based on the wave approach, variance estimation of energy vari-
ables was extended to generic subsystems in the 2000s [7].
In SEA, the whole structure and acoustic cavity system are considered
as a network of subsystems coupled through joints. A subsystem is defi ned
as a fi nite region with a resonant behaviour, involving a number of modes
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