© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
Mid- and high-frequency problems in vehicle
noise and vibration refi nement – statistical
energy analysis and wave approaches
X. WANG, RMIT University, Australia
Abstract: Starting from the statistical energy analysis (SEA) modal
approach, energy sharing between two oscillators and energy exchange in
a multi-degree-of-freedom system are discussed, from which the SEA
power balance equations are derived. Application procedures of the SEA
approach are presented and the main SEA assumptions are highlighted.
In order to introduce the SEA wave approach, room acoustics is reviewed;
the SEA conceptual parameters such as wave number, wave number
space, dispersion and modal density for energy storage are defi ned. In
regard to energy transmission, the concepts of direct and reverberant
fi elds, as well as coupling loss factors for different connections, are
illustrated; panel acoustic radiations are introduced and evaluated;
transfer matrices and insert loss of a trim lay-up are demonstrated; and
leaks and aperture effects are discussed. For energy inputs, direct fi eld
impedance and input power are illustrated; distributed random loading
and turbulent boundary layer loading are defi ned; and concepts of diffuse
acoustic fi eld loading and propagating acoustic fi eld loading are explained.
The hybrid deterministic and SEA approach is briefl y introduced.
An application example of vibro-acoustic analysis on a passenger car
roof–cabin cavity system is given to validate the SEA approach.
Key words: modal oscillators, damping loss factor, phase velocity, group
velocity, wave number, dispersion property, direct fi eld, reverberant
fi eld, diffuse reverberant fi eld, energy input, energy transmission, energy
storage, coupling loss factor, acoustic leakage, noise control treatment,
poroelastic materials, trim lay-ups, transfer matrix, insert loss, radiation
effi ciency, mean energy, clamped systems, blocked subsystems, critical
wavelength, critical frequency, hybrid deterministic and SEA approach,
SEA modal approach, SEA wave approach, distributed random loading,
turbulent boundary layer loading, diffuse acoustic fi eld loading,
propagating acoustic fi eld loading, acoustic impedance, transmission
coeffi cient, mass law, non-resonant acoustic energy transmission,
resonant acoustic energy transmission, energy density, power fl ow,
modal count, wavelength.
7.1 Introduction
Engineering systems with noise and vibration problems are investigated in
a model of source, path and receiver where the source can be quantifi ed or
modifi ed by changing its frequency content, levels, etc.; the path can be
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