Index 433
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
advanced tachometer reference
tracking techniques, 212–15
laser techniques for dynamic
analysis and source
identifi cation, 199–201
sound intensity technique for
source identifi cation, 192–6
sound quality and psychoacoustics
measurement and analysis,
TPA technique, 189–92
ultrasound diagnostic techniques,
advanced simulation techniques,
automobile body structure, 351–85
basic principles, 352–6
body attachment behaviour, 360–6
body attachment design strategies,
body panel behaviour, 371–7
body panel design strategies,
future trends, 383–4
global body stiffness, 356–60
basic simulation techniques, 175–81
boundary element-based
techniques, 178
computational fl uid dynamics,
FE-based techniques, 175–8
FE model components, 176
multi-body dynamics, 179
statistical energy analysis methods,
tools for system dynamics, 179–80
transfer path analyses, 181
chassis and suspension, 318–50
future trends, 348–50
mounts and bushes, 343–8
road-induced NVH basic
requirements and targets,
road-induced NVH foundations,
suspension, 340–3
the tyre: the most complex
component, 330–40
frequency or time-domain methods,
modal analysis, 117–40
application in vehicle
development, 118–22
limitations and trends, 139–40
methods for performing, 128–39
theory, 122–8
principles, xiii
random signal processing and
spectrum analysis, 93–116
complex frequency response and
impulsive response, 114–15
correlation analysis, 100–2
correlation functions and spectral
density functions, 109
excitation force function, 114
Fourier series, 102–6
frequency response functions,
linear systems, 109–10
random data and process, 93–100
spectral density analysis, 106–8
weighting functions, 111–14
rationale and history, 3–17
four-phase vehicle development
processes, 6
history of monitoring, 14–17
objectives and signifi cance, 4
scope, 4–5
term defi nitions, 14
vehicle development process,
SEA and wave approaches to mid-
and high-frequency problems,
application example, 171–2
coupled linear resonators, 150
energy exchange in mdof systems,
energy sharing between two
oscillators, 149–53
evaluation of SEA subsystem
parameters, 163–70
hybrid deterministic and the SEA
approach, 170–1
modal approach, 145–9
procedures of SEA approach,
wave approach to SEA, 159–62
simulation process, 182–5
confi dence in simulations, 185
deliverables for virtual series,