408 Vehicle noise and vibration refi nement
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
The same condition occurs in the universal joints of vehicles as they
operate through an angle: the greater the angle, the more pronounced the
effect. Because the transmission output is constant, this binding and releas-
ing of the universal joints is better described as an acceleration and decel-
eration that occurs twice per revolution of the propshaft. If you run the
propshaft slowly you can actually perceive the acceleration and decelera-
tion effect. It can create a vibration due to the fl uctuations in force that are
generated at high speed.
Drivelines are designed in a manner that allows for these accelerations
and decelerations to be cancelled out, in order to produce a smooth and
constant power fl ow. The transmission is driving the front yoke of the
propshaft at a smooth and constant speed. As the power travels through
the fi rst universal joint, it fl uctuates twice per revolution of the propshaft.
The second universal joint is oriented in a manner that allows the power
fl ow to fl uctuate opposite that of the fi rst joint. As the fi rst joint is slowing
down or binding, the second joint is speeding up or releasing. This creates
the effect of one universal joint cancelling out the other, and results in a
smooth, constant power fl ow from the output yoke of the propshaft. Second-
order driveline vibrations occur when the cancellation becomes unequal
between the front and rear joints.
The symptoms of second-order driveline vibrations are that:
• They are always vehicle-speed related.
• They are usually torque sensitive, and generally worse under torque.
One of the most common complaints is initial acceleration shudder (take-
off shudder). This occurs on acceleration from a standing start at speeds of
0 to 40 km/h. The vibration appears as a low-frequency shake, wobble or
shudder. It is felt in the seat or steering wheel at low speed (0 to 25 km/h)
and will increase in frequency as vehicle speed increases. Eventually it
feels more like driveline roughness at higher speeds (15 to 40 km/h), or
acceleration-delayed shudder. At high speeds the vibration generally disap-
pears. The vibration frequency is equal to that of second-order driveline
rotation. However, due to the nature of take-off, it is usually diffi cult or
impossible to acquire frequency information.
16.4.4 Correcting second-order driveline vibration
Correcting the conditions that interfere with the proper cancellation effect
of the universal joints is the main objective. The most common condition
by far, especially where take-off shudder is concerned, is incorrect driveline
working angles. However, other factors which may aggravate the condition
must be addressed before attempting to measure or correct driveline
working angles. These include:
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