376 Vehicle noise and vibration refi nement
© Woodhead Publishing Limited, 2010
TL = 20 log(mf) − 47 (15.12)
where m is mass per unit area (kg/m
) and f is frequency.
From eq. 15.12, it can be seen that by doubling the mass of the panel, the
mass-law portion of STL is increased by 6 dB. Therefore, one way to
increase the ability of a body panel to block airborne noise is to increase
its mass. This can be done by adding heavy asphaltic or bitumen patches to
the panel, or by increasing the panel thickness. However, great care should
be taken when increasing panel thickness, since this not only increases the
mass but also increases the stiffness (and therefore the resonant portion)
of the panel radiated noise. This will be covered in detail in the following
The resonant portion of panel noise radiation is governed by the bending
(fl exural) resonances of the panel. Vibration waves traverse across the
panel in bending waves and longitudinal waves. Since bending waves create
motion normal to the panel surface, it is the bending waves which are
dominant in radiating noise.
Resonant bending waves of a panel travel along the panel as dipoles.
Dipoles, by defi nition, have no net noise radiation and so the resonant
radiation of a panel is nearly equal to zero so long as there are no stiffness
discontinuities along the path of the bending wave to disrupt the dipole.
When bending waves encounter a stiffness discontinuity, such as the panel
edge or a stiffening bead, the dipole can be disrupted and converted to a
monopole. A monopole radiates noise in proportion to its surface velocity.
Figure 15.25 illustrates this concept. This means that stiffening beads
and other structural features of the panel can actually increase the high-
frequency noise radiation of a body panel.
Finally, the concept of ‘coincident frequency’ must be discussed, which
is directly related to the resonant part of the noise radiation. The coincident
frequency is the frequency at which the wavelengths of the bending reso-
nances in the body panel exactly match the wavelengths of the propagating
air pressure wave. At this frequency, the panel becomes a very effi cient
radiator and bending waves are easily converted into radiated noise. For
most steel body panels, this phenomenon occurs above 10,000 Hz, but in a
somewhat counterintuitive way, the coincident frequency actually decreases
as the stiffness of the panel increases. This is due to the fact that as the
panel becomes stiffer, the wavespeed of the fl exural modes increases, and
therefore the wavelengths at a given frequency become longer. These
longer wavelengths will then match up with the wavelengths of sound pres-
sure waves in the air at a lower frequency.
Since automotive body panels are far from fl at, and are instead highly
formed, their STL behavior can deviate signifi cantly from fl at panel behav-
ior due to the strong infl uence of the resonant path. This means that any
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