40 3. Random Walks in Finance and Physics
drift terms, Bachelier finds that the 50% interval for price changes for t =30d
is −38c ≤ x ≤ +54c, but does not give the corresponding numbers for the
1-day intervals where the disagreement is most serious, nor does he indicate
how well the observed price changes fall into this modified interval. In fact,
he does not comment even on the unexpectedly small number of large price
changes in his observations, compared with his theory. Modern empirical
studies find a mean-reversion in the stochastic processes followed by interest
rates and bond prices [15], i.e., extreme price changes are less likely than
in Bachelier’s random walk. This trend appartently is present in Bachelier’s
price history already. Stock, currency or commodity markets, on the other
hand, have significantly more big price changes than predicted by a simple
random-walk hypothesis.
By integration of the probability distributions, one can calculate the prob-
ability of getting a profit from an investment into a bond or a futures. For
the bond, the probability for profit after a month, P (1m) = 0.64, and after
ayear,P (1y) = 0.89. For the futures, on the other hand, P(1m) = 0.55, and
P (1y) = 0.65. The difference is due to the different drift rates: that of the
futures is lower because there is a finite prolongation fee K, for carrying it
on to the next maturity date. (On the other hand, the return on the invested
capital is expected to be bigger for the futures.) In Bachelier’s times, options
were labeled by the premium one had to pay for the right to buy or sell (call
or put) the underlying at maturity. Bachelier calculated the 50% intervals for
the price variations of a variety of such options, with different maturities and
premiums, and found rather good agreement with the intervals he derived
from his observations. (Needless to say the payoff profiles for calls and puts
shown in Figs. 2.1 and 2.2 can already be found in Bachelier’s thesis, as well
as those of combinations thereof.)
3.2.4 Biographical Information on Louis Bachelier (1870–1946)
Apparently, not much biographical information on Louis Bachelier is avail-
able. My source of information is essentially Mandelbrot’s book on fractals
[33]. Bachelier defended his thesis “Th´eorie de la sp´eculation” on March 29,
1900, at the Ecole Normale Sup´erieure in Paris. Apparently, the examining
committee was not overly impressed because they attributed the rating “hon-
orable” where the standard apparently was (and still is in France today) “tr`es
honorable”. On the other hand, his thesis was translated and annotated into
English in 1964 [7], a rather rare event.
Bachelier’s work had no influence on any of his contemporaries, but he re-
mained active throughout his scientific life, and published in the best journals.
Only very late, did he become a professor of mathematics at the University
of Besan¸con. There is a sharp contrast between the difficulties he experienced
in his scientific career, and the posthumous fame he earned for his thesis.
There may be two main reasons for this. One is related to an error in
taking limits of a function describing a stochastic process in a publication,