18 2 The Sample and Its Properties
A typical convention is to multiply the MAD
estimator mad(car,1) by 1.4826,
to make it comparable to the sample standard deviation.
mad(car) % mean absolute deviation from the mean;
% MAD is usually referring to
% median absolute deviation from the median
%ans = 15.3328
realmad = 1.4826
median( abs(car - median(car)))
%real mad in MATLAB is 1.4826
%realmad = 10.3781
Sample Range and IQR. Two simple measures of variability, or rather
the spread of a sample, are the range R and interquartile range (IQR), in
range and iqr. They are defined by the order statistic of the sample.
The range is the maximum minus the minimum of the sample, R
= X
while IQR is defined by sample quantiles.
range(car) %Range, span of data, Max - Min
%ans = 212
iqr(car) %inter-quartile range, Q3-Q1
%ans = 19
If the sample is bell-shape distributed, a robust estimator of variance is
, and this summary was known to Quetelet in the first part
of the nineteenth century. It is a simple estimator, not affected by outliers (it
ignores 25% of observations in each tail), but its variability is large.
Sample Quantiles/Percentiles. Sample quantiles (in units between 0
and 1) or sample percentiles (in units between 0 and 100) are very important
summaries that reveal both the location and the spread of a sample. For ex-
ample, we may be interested in a point x
that partitions the ordered sample
into two parts, one with p
·100% of observations smaller than x
and another
with (1
− p)100% observations greater than x
. In MATLAB, we use the com-
quantile or prctile, depending on how we express the proportion of the
sample. For example, for the 5, 10, 25, 50, 75, 90, and 95 percentiles we have
%5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, 75%, 90%, 95% percentiles are:
prctile(car, 100
[0.05, 0.10, 0.25, 0.50, 0.75, 0.90, 0.95] )
%ans = 7 8 11 17 30 51 67
The same results can be obtained using the command
qts = quantile(car,[0.05 0.1 0.25 0.5 0.75 0.9 0.95])
%qts = 7 8 11 17 30 51 67
In our dataset, 5% of observations are less than 7, and 90% of observations are
less than 51.
Some percentiles/quantiles are special, such as the median of the sample,
which is the 50th percentile. Quartiles divide an ordered sample into four
parts; the 25th percentile is known as the first quartile, Q
, and the 75th
percentile is known as the third quartile, Q
. The median is Q
, of course.
The range is equipartitioned by a single median, two terciles, three quartiles, four quin-
tiles, five sextiles, six septiles, seven octiles, eight naniles, or nine deciles.