described in chapter 1, figure 1.7. The major facets in the equilibrium shape are {111},
followed by {100} and {110}. However, exposure
to ⬃100 L O
in 100 s is sufficient to
increase the size of the {100} at the expense of the {111} facets, and by 10
L the crystal
is bounded by greatly enlarged {100} faces. AES shows that we are dealing with ML
quantities of oxygen on the surface, not more. This exposure, however, has little effect
on the tabular {111} crystals shown in figure 4.17(d).
This type of surface movement is typically mediated by mass transfer surface
diffusion, where adatoms and/or vacancies have to be both created at steps and move to
the next one, under the driving force of surface energy reduction. In this case the dis-
tance moved r in a given time scales as (Dt)
(Mullins 1957, Nichols & Mullins 1965,
Bermond & Venables 1983). Since we are seeing effects at the ⬃1 mm scale in 100 s in
the example shown, the same effects on the 10 nm scale would take place in an estimated
s. However, nothing happens to the {111} tabular Pb crystals of a similar size. This
indicates both how face-specific these arguments can be, and also that there may be
severe nucleation barriers before the reactions can take place. In this example, {111}
crystallites exhibit a nucleation barrier to melting (Spiller 1982, Métois et al. 1982).
Similarly, there can be substantial barriers to incorporation of diffusing adatoms on
perfect crystals, which is the reason why such tabular crystals are formed during vapor
deposition and can co-exist with the equilibrium forms (Bermond & Venables, 1983).
A recent case of weak chemisorption which has been studied using low temperature
STM is O
/Pt(111) (Winterlin et al. 1996, Zambelli et al. 1997). The initial chemisorbed
appears as pairs of atoms, some two–three atom spacings apart. It was shown that
the presence of already adsorbed atoms catalyzed the breakup of O
arriving later,
leading to the formation of linear chains and then networks. This system shows inter-
esting nonlinearity, which are characteristic of many such reactions, and also anisot-
ropy, even though the O atoms are adsorbed in symmetric three-fold hollow sites. This
may be due to stresses, both caused and relieved by adsorption, and the possibility that
adsorption can change the reconstruction of the substrate. The input of calculations
to the discussion of what is going on is at an interesting stage (Feibelman, 1997).
One of the most fascinating phenomena is the occurrence of space- and time-depen-
dent reactions which have been observed in real time by photo-electron emission
microscopy (PEEM), as shown in figure 4.18. The reactions can be periodic or chaotic
in time, and spatial patterns evolve on the surface, often resembling spiral waves. The
original work by the Ertl–Rotermund group in Berlin (Rotermund et al. 1990, Jakubith
et al. 1990, Nettesheim et al. 1993, Ertl 1994) showed that the reaction between CO and
to produce CO
, on a Pt(110) substrate, proceeds at the boundary between two
adsorbed phases, one primarily CO and the other primarily O; this reaction was fol-
lowed by TV observation in real time with a typical length scale of 10–50 mm, at CO
pressure up to a few 10
There are many reasons why one would want to follow such reactions at higher pres-
sures, in order to simulate the conditions of real catalysts. Optical observation is
4.5 Chemisorption 139
One langmuir (L), the unit of exposure to a gas, is equal to 10
Torr·s; do not confuse 1 ML51 Torr·s
with the symbol for a monolayer (ML).