1609). Italian composer. In 1588 he succeeded Giaches de Wert as
maestro di cappella in Mantua, after having served there in lesser
capacities for more than 15 years. He is credited by Michael Prae-
torius and Thomas Morley with inventing the vocal balletto, which
was taken up especially by English composers such as Thomas
Morley. His fame rested primarily on his two volumes of balletti,
one for five voices (1591, reprinted approximately 30 times) and one
for three voices (1594). Despite the overwhelming reputation of these
works, he actually published more music of other types: surviving
compositions include an additional 9 volumes of secular works for
three to 10 voices (among them, many madrigals and canzonet-
tas) and some 15 volumes of sacred works (among them, masses,
motets, psalm settings, and Vespers music). His style was almost
invariably accessible (with textures emphasizing homophony and
simple counterpoint), suiting both popular taste and the spirit of the
GATTERMEYER, HEINRICH (9 JULY 1923– ). Austrian com-
poser. He studied music at the Vienna Conservatory, and German
language and literature at the University of Vienna. In 1964 he began
teaching at the Conservatory, where he was appointed professor of
composition in 1977. For nearly 25 years he worked as a choral direc-
tor. His compositions usually employ freely organized tonality (but
also occasional serialism) in an eclectic mix of styles governed by
the desire to achieve immediacy of expression. Choral works include
the oratorios Weihnachtsoratorium, for S, A, T, B, SATB, and orch.
(1951); Der Turmbau zu Babel, for Bar., SATB, and orch. (1960,
rev. 1964, 1976, 1983); Provokationen, for spkr., Bar., TB, str., and
perc. (1971); De profundis, for Mez., SATB, and orch. (1975); and
Gesänge Hiobs, for SATB, fl., cl., and pf. (1980)—the latter three
with libretti written by the composer; and the Missa Bernardi, for
TB and str. (1959); Missa Sancta Barbara, for SATB, fl., cl., bn.,
2 hn., 2 tpt., 3 trbn., and perc. (1981); and Ignatius-Messe, for S, T,
B, SATB, hn., 2 tpt., trbn., tuba, and str. (1993). Additional works
include Asinus rex for solo vv., SATB, fl., cl., 2 tpt., str., and perc.
(1955); Te Deum, for solo vv., SATB, and orch. (1963); Lieder un-
serer Heimat, for TB (1965); Morgenlied for SATB and orch. (1970);
Trakl-Fragmente, for SATB and pf. (1974); and various works for
male chorus.