music have been included because they exerted considerable influence
on others who did. In other cases, composers relatively unknown today
have been retained because of their considerable output. Most major
choral works do not receive independent treatment. Instead, they are
covered in the composer entries (an exception being compilations).
Technical terms possibly outside a layperson’s vocabulary are included.
Major genres are dealt with at considerable length.
To keep the book within manageable limits, operatic and other dra-
matic vocal literature have generally not been addressed. For this rea-
son, opera choral ensembles and their directors have also been omitted.
Readers who are interested in further information on this repertoire may
consult the guide published David P. DeVenney, David and Craig R.
Johnson (see bibliography).
Objective facts—names, dates, places, definitions, numbers and types
of compositions, and the like—make up most of the information. Al-
though aesthetic judgments can be inferred from the inclusion or exclusion
of a particular person, institution, or genre (as well as from the amount of
detail included), they are generally not included within the entries them-
selves. For composers with prodigious oeuvres, the disposition across
genres is given; in other instances, representative works are listed. (As a
result of this approach, the length of composers’ entries are not necessar-
ily proportionate to the size of their oeuvres.) To provide the philosophi-
cal, sociological, and/or religious context for composers’ works, some
biographical details not immediately related to their choral activities have
been included. For similar reasons, significant historical developments
(such as the establishment and growth of the English cathedral choral tra-
dition), are treated at some length. For composers whose countries use the
Julian rather than the Gregorian calendar, birth and death dates are given
according to both systems (the Julian date appearing first).
Within the dictionary, section items that appear in bold within the
text have an individual entry. Other cross-referencing is shown by See
and See also.