possessed of a near suicidal willingness to put their lives, uselessly, in jeopardy.
In the end, the main contribution of the reservists killed and maimed in the
(murder of the innocents) of 1914 was the media-inspired
legend, or myth, of Langemarck – a battle that had actually been fought in the
earlier phase of First Ypres and by regular troops at that. The reservists had been
cut down in their masses in fighting three weeks after the real battle of Langemarck.
But myth and legend hardly depend on accurate dates.
First Ypres was in two parts, punctuated by a brief pause during which the antagonists
regrouped. It might be likened to the final two rounds of a prizefight between two
evenly matched, battered, but still resilient boxers. In the penultimate round both
were able to deliver heavy punishment without forcing a decisive points break-
through. All hinged therefore on the last round, with each seeking at least a points
victory or even a decisive knockout. With the List Regiment still involved in
training exercises in Bavaria, the Flanders campaign of 1914 began on 12 October
1914, with a British advance ‘between La Bassée and Armentières’. Aimed towards
Ypres (which had been in German hands since 3 October), this was ‘quickly
checked by the Bavarians, who in turn were stopped by superior British rifle,
machine-gun, and artillery fire’. The subsequent lull in operations was broken by
a German infantry attack, with spasmodic artillery support, near Langemarck on
20–21 October. This was repulsed. On 23 October, ‘after two days of hand-to-hand
fighting’, 1,500 German bodies ‘were counted on the battlefield’.
A German communiqué of 22 October had noted how ‘in the direction of
Ypres our troops advanced successfully’: in ‘very bitter’ fighting, the enemy was
‘falling back slowly across the whole front’. This impression was reinforced by
a communiqué on 23 October describing
German attacks west of Lille as
‘successful’. ‘We are in occupation of more districts. On the rest of the Western
Front, quietness reigns.’ The men of the List Regiment may have been lulled into
a sense of security by such comments. Even so, as they trudged towards Ypres,
some must also have wondered about their lack of training, the fact that many had
fired only a few practice rounds, and that the regiment was led by inexperienced
and mostly over-age officers. Falkenhayn, their commander-in-chief, while praising
their ‘incomparable enthusiasm and unexcelled heroism’, well understood their
The disadvantages of their urgent and hasty formation and training, and
the fact that they were led by older and for the most part retired officers,
as others were not to be had, naturally made themselves felt. In particular
there were deficiencies in the new field-artillery formations, a fact that
was emphasized all the more strongly by the shortage of ammunition.
Nor was the leadership entirely satisfactory.
Falkenhayn was here describing the patchy state of the German Army a bare two
months into the First World War. If Germany had all but won the war as the