was smoke there was fire. In fact the enquiry drew the opposite results to those
hoped for and was quietly hushed up. For Hitler, anti-Semitism went hand in
glove with his pan-Germanist worldview and belief in war as the logical means
of settling international disputes and asserting a nation’s greatness.
One might question the degree and nature of his, doubtless evolving, 1914–18
anti-Semitism, but not his patriotic conviction. He had no time for those Bavarians
from his regiment who fraternized and exchanged gifts with British soldiers
during the unofficial Christmas truce of 1914, and was bitter about men who, as
early as 1915, aired the possibility of German defeat or indulged in the traditional
soldier’s right to complain. Corporal Hitler was probably not much fun to be
around, but even so he was more individualist than loner. A man who needed an
audience as much as companionship, he jealously guarded privacy and personal
space. Those who came reasonably close were less than entranced with his
holier-than-thou prudery and judgemental attitude. As late as 1918, he was still
treated as a virgin and his guarded responses to teasing suggest he was; his attitude
to women earned him the nickname ‘women hater’. He bore other nicknames as
well, all attesting to his ability to come through hazardous assignments without a
scratch. What Hitler put down to proof of the guiding Hand of Providence,
destining him for future greatness, comrades attributed to field-craft: ‘You don’t
need to worry about Hitler’, one said, ‘he always gets through, even if he has to
crawl like a rat up to the trench’. Hitler’s ability to crawl, rat- or snake-like on his
belly, was aided by his physique. Tall enough to stand out in group photos among
the stocky Bavarians, he was thin to the point of emaciation; a situation exacer-
bated by a diet of
(army bread), marmalade and weak tea, supplemented
(if he could find them) by potato dumplings and a slice or two of canned bacon
(he was yet to become a vegetarian). Photos from 1915 to 1916 show a gangling
form in a baggy uniform. A serious-looking narrow head topped off his lopsided
stance, his facial features dominated by a sometimes straggly, sometimes Kaiser-
like and sometimes droopy moustache. Although his uniform hung around his
frame, both uniform and frame were as clean as he could make them; his obsession
with hygiene was a byword. Those who failed to match his standards were treated
with contempt. He christened one soldier the ‘human dunghill’.
‘The trenches and Fromelles were his world’, one former comrade wrote in
1931, ‘what lay beyond didn’t exist for him’. Hitler received few parcels or letters
from Austria or Germany and, after early 1915, scarcely bothered to write. In the
18 months at Fromelles and Fournes, he never sought a 24-hour or weekend leave
pass for Lille, just 10 miles away. Nor did he seek home leave. He had been at the
Front two years before his wounding at Le Barque demanded repatriation to
Germany. Incapacitated by the kind of ‘Blighty’ most soldiers dreamt of, he
pleaded unsuccessfully to remain with a disintegrating regiment during its last,
ghastly, week on the Somme. Recuperating in Germany and having been advised
that he had been transferred, in fact promoted, to a first-class regular Bavarian
division, he appealed (successfully) for the right to rejoin his old regiment and his
comrades. His devotion and loyalty to regiment and Fatherland was complete.