Books like this one are notoriously difficult to write because the target
readership cannot be expected to be au fait with the author’s own discipline.
Fortunately, this difficulty is compensated for by the prospect of capturing
readers whom one normally would not dream of reaching. This book, while
providing a largely linguistic introduction to the Korean language, has been
written primarily for readers with no background in linguistics. Every effort
has thus been made to avoid technical linguistic terms, and, where their use
is unavoidable, such terms have been explained in a readable, non-technical
manner. Moreover, throughout the book emphasis has been placed on
providing a descriptive overview of the salient features, rather than a detailed
theoretical or esoteric exposition, of the Korean language. In these respects,
it differs from other books on the Korean language, written with linguists
and students of (Korean) linguistics in mind.
Readers for whom this book is designed fall into four main groups. First,
Korean scholars specializing in areas other than (Korean) linguistics may
wish to learn about the Korean language and its historical and socio-cultural
contexts – whether in connection with their own research or out of curiosity
– but find it rather daunting, if not impossible, to sift through an enormous
amount of technical details in grammatical descriptions in order to arrive at
a general understanding of the Korean language. (To the surprise of some
readers, there are Korean specialists who may not be able to understand
Korean (well)!) This book is thus written in a way in which specialists in one
discipline would talk about their work to specialists in another discipline.
Second, English-speaking learners of Korean with little or no prior exposure
to (Korean) linguistics will benefit from the book. Such learners may wish
to read it initially for a general orientation to the Korean language and later
go back to specific sections or chapters as their learning progresses. For the
benefit of this particular group of readers, special attention has been paid to
potential areas of difficulty from the perspective of English-speaking learners.
Thus the book complements language textbooks used for self-study or in
the classroom. In this sense, it will also be of much interest to teachers of