its impact. However, power control is imperfect, entails a substantial overhead
cost, and is not feasible for peer-to-peer communication networks. Even if the
power control is perfect, the remaining interference causes a nonzero error floor,
which is a minimum bit error probability that exists when the thermal noise is
zero. Thus, an alternative to the conventional receiver is desirable.
A multiuser detector is a receiver that exploits the deterministic structure
of multiple-access interference or uses joint processing of a set of multiple-
access signals. An optimum multiuser detector almost completely eliminates
the multiple-access interference and, hence, the near-far problem, thereby ren-
dering power control unnecessary, but such a detector is prohibitively complex
to implement, especially when long spreading sequences are used. A more
practical multiuser detector alleviates but does not eliminate the power-control
requirements of a cellular network on its uplinks. Even if a multiuser detec-
tor rejects intracell interference from mobiles within a cell, it cannot reject
intercell interference, which arrives from mobiles associated with different base
stations than the one receiving a desired signal. Since intercell interference is
typically more than one-third of the total interference on an uplink, even ideal
multiuser detection will increase network capacity by a factor less than three.
Multipath components can be accommodated as separate interference signals
or rake combining may precede the multiuser detection. Though suboptimal
compared with ideal multiuser detection, multiuser interference cancellers bear
a much more moderate implementation burden and still provide considerable
interference suppression. However, it appears that accurate power control is still
needed at least for initial synchronization and to avoid overloading the front
end of the receiver. Third-generation CDMA systems use adaptive interference
cancellation but retain a closed-loop power-control subsystem.
Optimum Detectors
Consider a DS/CDMA network with K users, each of which uses PSK to trans-
mit a block of N binary symbols. A jointly optimum detector makes collective
symbol decisions for K received signals based on the maximum a posteriori
(MAP) criterion. The individually optimum detector selects the most proba-
ble set of symbols of a single desired signal from one user based on the MAP
criterion, thereby providing the minimum symbol error probability. In nearly
all applications, jointly optimum decisions would be preferable because of their
lower complexity and because both types of decisions will agree with very high
probability unless the symbol error probability is very high. Assuming equally
likely symbols are transmitted, the jointly optimum MAP detector is the same
as the jointly optimum maximum-likelihood detector, which is henceforth re-
ferred to as the optimum detector.
For synchronous communications in the presence of white Gaussian noise,
the symbols are aligned in time, and the detection of each symbol of the desired
signal is independent of the other symbols. Thus, the optimum detector can
be determined by considering a single symbol interval Let
denote the symbol transmitted by user The customary (highly idealized)