Since accurate power measurements require a certain amount of time, whether
a power-control scheme is instantaneous, local mean, or something intermedi-
ate depends on the fading rate. To reduce the fading rate so that the power
control is instantaneous and accurate, one might minimize the carrier frequency
or limit the size of cells if these options are available.
The second analysis of the effects of local-mean power control uses the pre-
ceding results to develop a simple approximation to alternative performance
calculations [19], [20]. This analysis has the advantages that the fading statis-
tics do not have to be explicitly defined and the effect of imperfect local-mean
power control is easily calculated. Let denote the local-mean energy per
symbol, which is defined as the average energy per symbol after averaging over
the fading. Similarly, let denote the total local-mean interference power in
the receiver, and let denote the local-mean received energy per symbol due
to interference signal The local-mean SINR is defined to be
For this analysis, a local-mean outage is said to occur if the local-mean SINR
is less than a specified threshold which may be adjusted to account for the
fading statistics and any diversity or rake combining. When the local-mean
power control is imperfect, and
where and are lognormally distributed random variables with the common
variance A derivation similar to that leading to (6-131) indicates that if
(6-130) is satisfied, then
and is calculated by using (6-136) and (6-137). The intercell interference
factor can be determined by setting since the fading statistics do not
affect the local-mean SINR. For adequate network performance in practical ap-
plications, must be set much higher than the threshold Z in (6-131) because
the local-mean SINR changes much more slowly than the instantaneous SINR.
The following example is used to compare the results of evaluating (6-136),
(6-137), and (6-147) with the results obtained in a far more elaborate analysis
[20]. Consider a cellular network with three sectors,
and due to the voice activity. Table 6.1 gives A spectral
band of bandwidth W = 1.25 MHz is occupied by the DS/CDMA signals. The
symbol rate is so that the processing gain is G = 156.5. The
local-mean SNR before the despreading is –1 dB and after the
despreading. Figure 6.17 shows the local-mean outage probability versus the
average number of mobiles per cell, which is triple the average number of
mobiles per sector. The results of [20] for outage probabilities of
and are indicated by the open circles. The proximity of these points to the
graphs indicates that the simple equations (6-136), (6-137), and (6-147) closely
approximate the local-mean outage probability.