Large sets of sequences with approaching the Welch bound can be
obtained by combining maximal sequences with sampled versions of these se-
quences. If is a positive integer, the new binary sequence b formed by taking
every bit of binary sequence a is known as a decimation of a by and
the components of the two sequences are related by Let
denote the greatest common divisor of and If the original sequence
a period N and the new sequence b is not identically zero, then b has period
If then the decimation is called a proper decima-
tion. Following
proper decimation, the bits of b do not repeat themselves
until every bit of
has been sampled. Therefore, b and a have the same period
N, and it can be shown that if
is maximal, then b is a maximal sequence
[1]. A preferred pair of maximal sequences with period are a pair with
a periodic cross-correlation that takes only the three values
and where
and denotes the integer part of the real number The Gold sequences are
a large set of sequences with period that may be generated by the
modulo-2 addition of preferred pairs when is odd or modulo-4 [1].
One sequence of the preferred pair is a decimation by of the other sequence.
The positive integer is either or where is a
positive integer such that when is odd and when
Since the cross-correlation between any two Gold sequences in a set can take
only three values, the peak magnitude of the periodic cross-correlation between
any two Gold sequences of period is
For large values of for Gold sequences exceeds the Welch bound by a
factor of for odd and a factor of 2 for even.
One form of a Gold sequence generator is shown in Figure 6.1. If each
maximal sequence generator has stages, different Gold sequences in a set are
generated by selecting the initial state of one maximal sequence generator and
then shifting the initial state of the other generator. Since any shift from 0 to
results in a different Gold sequence, different Gold sequences can
be produced by the system of Figure 6.1. Gold sequences identical to maximal
sequences are produced by setting the state of one of the maximal sequence
generators to zero. Altogether, there are different Gold sequences, each
with a period of in the set.
An example of a set of Gold sequences is the set generated by the preferred
pair specified by the primitive characteristic polynomials
Since there are 129 Gold sequences of period 127 in this set, and (6-28)
gives Equation (2-66) indicates that there are only 18 maximal