in As observed in the figure, intersymbol interference at the sampling times
is not significant if is less than the symbol duration
For the following analysis, it is assumed that the M possible signals are or-
thogonal to each other and that the data symbols are independent of each other
so that the maximum-likelihood receiver makes symbol-by-symbol decisions [3],
[6]. This receiver uses a separate baseband matched filter or correlator for each
possible desired signal including its multipath components. Thus, if is
the symbol waveform, then the matched filter is
matched to the signal in (5-204) with the symbol duration. Each
matched-filter output sampled at provides a decision variable. A
derivation similar to that of (5-142) indicates that the decision variable is
where is the received signal, including the noise, after downconversion to
baseband. A receiver implementation based on this equation would require a
separate transversal filter or delay line and a matched filter for each possible
waveform An alternative form that requires only a single transversal filter
and M matched filters is derived by changing variables in (5-205) and using the
fact that is zero outside the interval The result is
For frequency-selective fading and resolvable multipath components, a sim-
plifying assumption is that each delay is an integer multiple of 1/W. Accord-
ingly, L is increased to equal the maximum number of resolvable components,
and we set and where is
the maximum delay. As a result, some of the may be equal to zero. The
decision variables become
A receiver based on these decision variables, which is called a rake receiver, is
diagrammed in Figure 5.19. Since is designated as the output of the final
tap, the sampling occurs at Each tap output contains at most one
multipath component of
The rake receiver requires that the channel parameters be known or
estimated. An estimation might be done by applying each tap output to M
parallel matched filters after a one-symbol delay. The previous symbol deci-
sion is used to select one matched-filter output for each tap output. The L
matched-filter outputs are lowpass-filtered to provide estimates of the channel
parameters. The estimates must be updated at a rate exceeding the fade rate
of (5-43) or (5-45).