Four volumes
Editorial Board
Professor A.^Torkunov^— Chair,
Professor A.^Bogaturov, Professor K.^Khudolei, Professor O.^Kolobov,
Dr. A.^Kortunov, Professor A.^Melville,
Member-correspondent, RAS S.^Rogov, Academician N.^Simonia,
Dr. T.^Shakleina, Professor I.^Tyulin, Professor A.^Voskressenski
Executive editor^— Tatiana A.^Shakleina
Anthology summarizes debates on foreign policy and security in the Russian academic
and political community in 1992–2001, provides material and documents for better
understanding of foreign policy decision making in contemporary Russia, gives insights into
existing concepts of Russia’s international strategy. It contains articles and excerpts from
monographs by well-known Russian scholars and politicians.
Volume I: Chapter I «Contemporary World: From Bipolarity to Globalization»
depicts changes in contemporary international relations and their impact on Russia; Chapter^II
«Evolution of Russian Foreign Policy» describes evolution of foreign policy debates on
Russia’s international strategy. Volume II: Chapter III «Problems of Security in
Contemporary World» includes publications on general problems of Russia’s security
strategy and its policy toward NATO, OSCE, UN; Chapter IV «Russia in World Economic
System» consists of articles devoted to general issues of Russian foreign economic strategy.
Volume III: Chapter^V «Regional Dimensions of Russian Foreign Policy» highlights
Russia’s strategy toward the CIS, Europe, the United States, China and other countries of
Asian-Pacific region; Chapter^V «Study and Teaching of International Relations» contains
a number of articles on problems of studying and teaching international relations.
Volume IV^provides texts of the most important documents signed by the Russian
Federation (general principles of Russian foreign policy; international security; disarmament and
arms control; relations with the CIS countries, European countries, the United States, China, Japan).
The second edition of the Anthology is a bigger and more comprehensive edition
prepared with a new approach to the problems described (the first edition in two volumes,
three books was published in 1999). The Anthology remains a unique in-depth collection of
reading materials and documents on contemporary Russian foreign and security policy to be
used in and outside Russia by academic community, university professors and students. It is
also an ample and insightful reading for everybody who is interested in contemporary
Russian foreign policy thinking.
The project has been accomplished with support of the «Open Society Institute»
(Soros Foundation)+— Mega-Project «Advancement of Education in Russia». Publication of
the Anthology has become possible due to support of the «Open Society Institute», Moscow
State Institute of International Relations (University), Russian International Studies
Association, and ISE-Center (Information. Scholarship. Education.).