28 Chapter 2: Organizing the Content: Information Architecture and Application Structure
Because lists are so common, a solid grasp of the different ways to present them can
benefit any designer. It’s the same theme again—by learning and formalizing these tech-
niques, you can expand your own thinking about how to present content in different and
interesting ways.
A few patterns for designing an interface around a list are described in this chapter (others
are in Chapter 5). You can build either an entire app or site, or a small piece of a larger arti-
fact, around one of these patterns. They set up a structure that other display techniques—
text lists, thumbnail lists, and so on—can fit into. Other top-level organizations not listed
here might include calendars, full-page menus, and search results.
Feature, Search, and Browse is the pattern followed by countless websites that show
products and written content. Searching and browsing provide two ways for users to
find items of interest, while the front page features one item to attract interest.
• Blogs, news sites, email readers, and social sites such as Twitter all use the
News Stream
pattern to list their content, with the most recent updates at the top.
Picture Manager is a well-defined interface type for handling photos and other picto-
rial documents. It can accommodate hierarchies and flat lists, tools to arrange and
reorder documents, tools to operate directly on pictures, and so on.
Once you’ve chosen an overall design for the interface, you might look at other patterns
and techniques for displaying lists. These fit into the patterns mentioned earlier; for
instance, a
Picture Manager might use a Thumbnail Grid, a Pagination, or both to show a
list of photos—all within a
Two-Panel Selector framework. See Chapter 5 for a thorough
Provide Tools to Create a Thing
Builders and editors are the great dynastic families of the software world. Microsoft
Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and other Office applications, in addition to Adobe Photoshop,
Illustrator, In Design, Dreamweaver, and other tools that support designers are all in this
category. So are the tools that support software engineers, such as the various code editors
and integrated development environments. These have long histories, large user bases,
and very well established interaction styles, honed over many years.
Most people are familiar with the idioms used by these tools: text editors, code editors,
image editors, editors that create vector graphics, and spreadsheets.
Chapter 8 of the previous edition of this book discusses how to design different aspects of
these tools. But at the level of application structure or IA, the following patterns are often
Canvas Plus Palette describes most of these applications. This highly recognizable,
well-established pattern for visual editors sets user expectations very strongly.
• Almost all applications of this type provide
Many Workspaces—usually windows con-
taining different documents, which enable users to work on them in parallel.