Introduction to the Second Edition xiii
The existence of this chapter brings up an interesting point. A “good” pattern should
be invariant across different platforms, perhaps including mobile ones. However,
mobile design introduces so many new constraints on screen size, interactive ges-
tures, social expectations, and latency that some patterns simply don’t work well for
it. Conversely, most of the patterns written specifically for mobile contexts don’t work
well (or aren’t particularly salient design solutions) for larger screens; those patterns
have a home in Chapter 10.
Reorganized chapters and rewritten introductions
Because there were so many old and new patterns about how to present lists of items,
I chose to “refactor” three chapters to account for that. Chapter 5 is now simply
about lists. It pulled patterns from the first edition’s Chapter 2 (
Two-Panel Selector,
One-Window Drilldown) and Chapter 7 (Row Striping and Cascading Lists). I also added
several new ones, such as
List Inlay and Alphabetic Scroller.
Furthermore, the introductions to the chapters on information architecture (Chapter
2), navigation (Chapter 3), and page layout (Chapter 4) have been rewritten to reflect
recent design thinking and a new emphasis on web-based or web-like designs.
New patterns that capture popular new interactions
Some techniques have really caught on in the last five years, and the ones that seem to
be “pattern-like”—they are abstractable and cross-genre, they’re common enough to
be easy to find, and they can noticeably improve the user experience—are represent-
ed here. Examples include
Fat Menus, Sitemap Footer, Hover Tools, Password Strength
, Data Spotlight, and Radial Table.
New patterns that aren’t really “new,” but that were not included in the first edition
These ideas have been kicking around for a while, but either I didn’t recognize them
as being important back in 2005, or they weren’t especially salient back then. They
are now. This list of patterns includes
Dashboard, News Stream, Carousel, Grid of Equals,
Microbreaks, Picture Manager, and Feature, Search, and Browse.
Renamed patterns, and patterns whose scope has changed
For instance,
Card Stack was renamed to Module Tabs, and Closable Panels to Collapsible
; I made these changes to conform to current terminology and other pattern
libraries. Similarly,
Accordion was factored out from Collapsible Panels and made into
its own pattern, since other designers, design writers, and pattern collections have
converged on the term “accordion” for this particular technique. Meanwhile,
Window Drilldown
and Two-Panel Selector—both from the original book’s chapter on
information architecture—have been narrowed down to deal specifically with lists of
New examples, new research, and new connections to other pattern libraries
Almost every pattern has at least one new pictorial example, and many of them have
an “In other libraries” section that directs the reader to the same pattern (or patterns
that closely resemble it) in other collections. These might provide you with new in-
sights or examples. Also, some patterns in this book have been slightly rewritten to