Chapter 5: Pivot Tables and Pivot Charts: Overview 151
Pivot Table Menus and Ribbons
The pivot table itself has context menus too. Lots of them! Whole books have been
written, and will be written, about using and customizing pivot tables. In a single chapter,
not every single avenue can be followed. Instead, the emphasis is on those options that
are most useful and interesting from a PowerPivot perspective. For the purposes of this
section, a pivot table is defined as the areas corresponding to the Report Filter, Column
Labels, Row Labels, and Values drop-zones of the PowerPivot Field List. As pivot table
areas, they all have context menus and/or drop-down menus. In addition, there are
ribbons that both duplicate and extend some of the options available through the menus.
To avoid undue repetition, not every alternative is explored—the emphasis here is on ease
of implementation. The following sections detail some of the drop-down menu options,
context menu options, and ribbon button functionality for PowerPivot pivot tables.
Report Filter Drop-Down Menu
When you add a column to the Report Filter drop-zone in the PowerPivot Field List,
a filter will appear immediately above the main body of the pivot table. You can add
more than one Report Filter, if you wish. Each filter consists of two cells. The first cell
shows the column name, while the second cell shows the current filter on that column.
By default, the filter is All. The second cell contains a small button that leads to a drop-
down menu. The sole purpose of this menu is to enable you to set a filter context for
the data in the pivot table. In many ways, a Report Filter is similar to a slicer. The drop-
down menu for a Report Filter can have one of two possible formats. The appearance is
governed by the Select Multiple Items check box at the bottom of the menu. The two
possible formats are shown in Figures 5-23 and 5-24.
Figure 5-23 Report Filter drop-down menu without multiselect