154 Practical PowerPivot & DAX Formulas for Excel 2010
This dialog has a More Options button that leads to a More Sort Options dialog. This
dialog is shown in Figure 5-27. It contains a really useful drop-down labeled First Key
Sort Order—this is invaluable when you want to sort alphabetic months of the year
or days of the week in their numeric order. You can sort months, for example, from
January to December, and override an alphabetic sort.
The second section of the Column Labels/Row Labels drop-down menu is for
filtering. The first of the three entries in this section is for clearing any existing filter.
The second and third entries are for Label Filters and Value Filters, respectively. Each
of these has its own fly-out menu. These fly-out menus, in turn, have options that lead
to dialogs (apart from the Clear Filter option) where sophisticated filtering can be
implemented. Label Filters are filters based on the values of the column. Value Filters
are filters based on the values of a measure in the data area of the pivot table—although
you can also base them on counts of values in columns. The Label Filters fly-out is
shown in Figure 5-28. All of the options (apart from Clear Filter) lead to the Label
Filter dialog as shown in Figure 5-29. This dialog includes 14 different comparison
operators or phrases. In the example shown, both Argentina and Austria will be
removed from the list of countries. To remove Label Filters, click Clear Filter in the
Column Labels/Row Labels drop-down menu.
Figure 5-27 More Sort Options dialog