Mathematics and the Law of Conservation of Momentum 85
One of Newton’s earliest
discoveries was the calculus.
Calculus was the start of a
new and important branch of
mathematics called analysis.
Mathematically calculus is
usually divided into two sep-
arate branches. One branch
of calculus focuses on deriva-
tives, which relate the rate of
change of the dependent vari-
able to the independent vari-
able. This branch of calculus,
called the differential calculus,
centers on two main ques-
tions: What are the mathe-
matical techniques required to
compute derivatives? How can
derivatives be used to solve
problems? The second part of
calculus is called integral cal-
culus. Initially integral calculus involved finding the area beneath
a curve, sometimes called the integral of the curve, but the field
soon grew to encompass a much larger class of problems. As dif-
ferential calculus does, integral calculus centers on two questions:
What are the mathematical techniques required to compute inte-
grals? How can integrals be used to solve problems?
Even before Newton invented calculus, mathematicians had
been busy answering these questions. Newton was not the first
to compute integrals, nor was he the first to compute derivatives.
Fermat was very adept at computing derivatives and knew how
to compute a small number of integrals. He used these ideas and
their associated techniques in his research. Similarly Wallis had
learned to compute certain classes of integrals, so a great deal of
the work involved in inventing calculus had already been done.
Moreover, Newton, who was familiar with the work of Fermat
and Wallis, could do all the problems that Fermat and Wallis had
Sir Isaac Newton expressed his
understanding of the science of
motion via a set of axioms and theo-
rems much as Euclid of Alexandria
expressed his understanding of
(Dibner Library of the
History of Science and Technology,
Smithsonian Institution)