of course, that we imagine each solid as having a hollow interior)
and one smallest sphere that can contain that solid. For example
the smallest sphere that can contain a cube touches each of the
eight corners of the cube. This arrangement is described by saying
that the cube is circumscribed by the sphere. The largest sphere
that can fit inside the cube—called the inscribed sphere—touches
the center of each of the interior walls of the cube. What Kepler
discovered is that if he alternately nested spheres and Platonic
solids, one inside the other—
and he nested them in the
right order—then the ratios
of the distances of the spheres
from the center of his model
were a “pretty good” fit for
the ratios of the distances of
the planets from the Sun! It
is an extraordinary fact that
Kepler’s scheme does, indeed,
yield a reasonably good fit.
Given the uncertainties about
planetary distances that exist-
ed at the time, it must have
appeared to him that he had
discovered a fundamental law
of nature.
Kepler’s discovery is fortui-
tous. His “reasoning” about
Platonic solids is pure Pythag-
orean mysticism. Though
Kepler is best remembered
for his later discoveries about
the true nature of planetary
motion, he was always very
fond of these mystical geo-
metric descriptions and incor-
porated them in all of his
major works. Throughout his
Kepler’s later model of planetary
motion. The ellipse marks the orbital
path of a planet. The Sun is located
at one focus of the ellipse. The apex
of each “slice” is located at the Sun’s
position, and the areas of all 14 slices
are equal. (The number 14 was
chosen for purposes of illustration; it
has no special significance.) From his
analysis of Tycho Brahe’s data, Kepler
concluded that the planet takes the
same amount of time to traverse each
of the 14 arcs; therefore, the planet
moves faster when it is closer to the
Sun than when it is farther away.
And if one measures how long the
planet takes to traverse one arc, one
also knows how long it will take to
traverse any other arc—provided
the two arcs determine slices of equal