Because he knew everything
in the equation except the cir-
cumference of Earth, he was
able to solve the equation and
in so doing compute the cir-
cumference of Earth. This
method of computing the cir-
cumference of our planet can
yield good results and is a
popular student project even
today. Eratosthenes’ own esti-
mate of Earth’s circumference
was within about 20 percent of the modern value.
The geometrical methods used by Eratosthenes and Aristarchus
to investigate the universe were characteristic of Greek science.
These methods give very good results provided the assump-
tions are correct and the measurements are accurate. Notice,
too, that there is no concept of energy, momentum, or mass in
Eratosthenes’ or Aristarchus’s method. This, too, is characteris-
tic of most of Greek science. The Greek philosopher Aristotle
described what it is that mathematicians study:
But, as the mathematician speculates from abstraction (for he
contemplates by abstracting all sensible natures, as, for instance,
gravity and levity, hardness and its contrary, and besides these,
heat and cold, and other sensible contrarieties), but alone leaves
quantity and the continuous, of which some pertain to one, oth-
ers to two, and others to three [dimensions].
(Aristotle. The Metaphysics of Aristotle, translated by Thomas
Taylor. London: Davis, Wilks, and Taylor, Chancery-Lane, 1801.)
In our time there are mathematical theories that incorporate the
concepts of “gravity” (weight), “levity” (lightness), hardness, and
“heat and cold” (temperature). But during the time of Aristotle
most mathematicians investigated only geometric phenomena.
Their methods, their conclusions, and their choice of phenomena
to study all reflect this emphasis on geometrical thinking.
Eratosthenes used ratios and simple
measurements to successfully compute
the circumference of the Earth.