Euclid did not invent deductive reasoning. Elements is a text-
book. Presumably the ideas in it were firmly established before
Euclid began writing his most famous work. Perhaps other books,
just as good as Euclid’s, were available to the mathematicians
of Alexandria even before Euclid’s birth, but for three reasons
Elements has proven to be the most influential of the lot. First, it
is skillfully written; second, it provides a clear example of what
deductive reasoning involves; and, most important, Euclid’s book
survived. Most Greek mathematical texts were lost.
Euclid begins his work by listing five axioms and five postulates.
The axioms and postulates describe the most basic properties of
what we now call Euclidean geometry, although Euclid called
it no such thing. Axioms and postulates were treated differently
by Euclid. Axioms, he believed, were more a matter of common
sense. “The whole is greater than the part” is axiom number five,
for example. Postulates, according to Euclid, were of a more spe-
cialized nature. Postulate number three, for example, states, “A
circle may be described with any point as center and any distance
as radius.” Today, mathematicians make no distinction between
axioms and postulates and usually refer to both as axioms, a prac-
tice that we now adopt.
Euclid’s choice of axioms is crucial because all of the geometrical
discoveries that he describes in his book are logical consequences
of them. Euclid’s axioms are what make Euclidean geometry
Euclidean as opposed to some other type of geometry. Every other
type of geometry depends upon a set of axioms that are logically
different from those chosen by Euclid. Euclid’s axioms are the
Greek solution to a peculiar difficulty associated with deductive
reasoning. To understand the difficulty, imagine logically deduc-
ing one statement, which we will call statement B, from another
statement, which we will call statement A. In other words, we
demonstrate (using logic) that the truth of A implies the truth of
B. Or equivalently, statement B is true whenever statement A is
true. But this type of logical reasoning does not resolve the truth
of statement B. It simply shifts our attention to the truth of state-
ment A because logically all we have established is that if A is true
then B is true. But is A true? In attempting to reason deductively,