Attributes of GSC Diagnose
GSC Diagnose Attributes
GSC Diagnose has attributes with which you can determine the appearance of the GSC
Diagnose window in Runtime. These include the geometry attribute and in particular the
following attributes:
● Display: With this attribute, you can specify whether the window should be visible or hidden.
The attribute can be made dynamic with the name "Visible".
● Sizeable: Use this attribute to specify whether the window size can be changed in Runtime.
● Moveable: Use this attribute to specify whether the window can be moved in Runtime.
● Border: Use this attribute to specify whether the window has a border. If the window has a
border, its height and width can be changed in Runtime.
● Title: Use this attribute to specify whether the window has a title bar.
● Can be Maximized: Use this attribute to specify whether the window's title bar has a button
to maximize the window in Runtime.
● Can be Closed: Use this attribute to specify whether the window's title bar has a button to
close the window in Runtime.
● Foreground: Use this attribute to specify whether the window is always in the foreground.
The attributes are displayed and can be set in Graphics Designer. The Toolbar of GSC Diagnose
Toolbar Functions
The toolbar of GSC Diagnose includes buttons for the control the output in the Diagnose
window as well as for saving, printing and opening the contents of the window.
The toolbar contains buttons with the following functions:
Button Function
Deletes the contents of the window.
Stops the updating of the window.
Resumes the updating of the window.
Opens a text file in the window.
Saves the contents of the window in a text file.
DPrints the contents of the window.
ANSI-C for Creating Functions and Actions
2.14 Runtime Behavior of Actions
MDM - WinCC: Scripting (VBS, ANSI-C, VBA)
System Manual, 11/2008,