EN 13941:2009 (E)
Normally the variation of temperature will be the predominant action. In a district heating system with normal
operating conditions the variation will consist of a few full action cycles (start-up and shut-down cycles) and a large
number of smaller cycles due to the daily temperature variations.
Special conditions like energy production from incineration plants, cold plugs, night-set-back at consumers, etc., can
give many and/or large temperature variations.
Normally the largest number of full equivalent temperature cycles will occur in the supply pipe for main pipelines and
in the return pipe for service connections.
In district heating systems with normal operation and a stable flow temperature, the following number of full action
cycles, corresponding to a period of 30 years, may be presupposed for m = 4 and
= 110 ºC, see, limit
state B:
Major pipelines 100-250 cycles;
Main pipelines 250-500 cycles;
Service connections 1000-2500 cycles.
For major pipeline the maximum value can be reached e.g. close to incineration plants. For service connections
maximum values are typically reached in case of e.g. night-set-back at the consumer.
The number of full action cycles must not be chosen lower than the smallest values above according to,
Table 4.
C.6 Global analysis
C.6.1 General
The following procedure can be used:
a) Calculation of bending moments, forces and deformations of the steel pipe as the action bearing structure.
b) Calculation of impacts on PUR foam and the PE casing pipe, which are assumed to follow the deformations of
the steel pipe.
The calculation model used shall take due account of the interaction between pipe and soil generally caused by
temperature expansion of the pipe or by soil settlements.
The interaction of pipeline and soil may be characterised by using a soil spring model. In such a model the non-
linear action-displacement behaviour of the soil in axial and horizontal directions can be outlines by a series of
(discrete) multi-linear soil springs, see Annex B.
These springs represent the amount of action or restraint exerted on the pipeline system for a given displacement.
Account shall be taken of the variation in soil properties by considering a reasonable range of properties in the
Calculation of pipe-soil interaction may be done by means of the theory of beams on elastic foundation, by "beam-
element" programmes or by application of finite element methods (FEM).
The axial reaction (soil friction) can be applied as a uniform axial action against the expansion of the pipe. The
horizontal soil reaction is normally characterised as elastic or elasto-plastic soil springs.
When using "beam-element" programmes the pipeline is reduced to a system of beam elements for the pipeline and
spring elements for the supports. In the case of buried pipelines, the surrounding soil is also reduced to a system of