//| TestLoadHistory.mq5 |
//| Copyright 2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp. |
//| http://www.mql5.com |
#property copyright "2009, MetaQuotes Software Corp."
#property link "http://www.mql5.com"
#property version "1.02"
#property script_show_inputs
//--- input parameters
input string InpLoadedSymbol="NZDUSD"; // Symbol to be load
input ENUM_TIMEFRAMES InpLoadedPeriod=PERIOD_H1; // Period to be load
input datetime InpStartDate=D'2006.01.01'; // Start date
//| Script program start function |
void OnStart()
Print("Start load",InpLoadedSymbol+","+GetPeriodName(InpLoadedPeriod),"from",InpStartDate);
int res=CheckLoadHistory(InpLoadedSymbol,InpLoadedPeriod,InpStartDate);
case -1 : Print("Unknown symbol ",InpLoadedSymbol); break;
case -2 : Print("Requested bars more than max bars in chart "); break;
case -3 : Print("Program was stopped "); break;
case -4 : Print("Indicator shouldn't load its own data "); break;
case -5 : Print("Load failed "); break;
case 0 : Print("Loaded OK "); break;
case 1 : Print("Loaded previously "); break;
case 2 : Print("Loaded previously and built "); break;
default : Print("Unknown result ");
datetime first_date;
int bars=Bars(InpLoadedSymbol,InpLoadedPeriod);
Print("First date ",first_date," - ",bars," bars");
//| |
int CheckLoadHistory(string symbol,ENUM_TIMEFRAMES period,datetime start_date)
datetime first_date=0;
datetime times[100];
//--- check symbol & period
if(symbol==NULL || symbol=="") symbol=Symbol();
if(period==PERIOD_CURRENT) period=Period();
//--- check if symbol is selected in the MarketWatch
if(GetLastError()==ERR_MARKET_UNKNOWN_SYMBOL) return(-1);
//--- check if data is present
if(first_date>0 && first_date<=start_date) return(1);
//--- don't ask for load of its own data if it is an indicator
if(MQL5InfoInteger(MQL5_PROGRAM_TYPE)==PROGRAM_INDICATOR && Period()==period && Symbol()==symbol)