Capacitor microphone , 152 , 153 , 171
Carrier , 165
Cassius , 84 , 85
Cauty, Jimmy , 329 ,330
CD decks , 474–6
CD-ROMs , 139
Chaka Khan , 84 , 147
Charles ‘Electrifying Mojo ’ Johnson , 283
Charlotte Church , 469
Chase The Devil , 85
Chattering , 48 , 50
Check it Out , 85
Chemical Brothers , 13 , 80 , 438
Cher’s ‘Believe ’ , 163 , 165
The Chi-lites , 84
Chic , 85 , 147
Chicago , 84 , 147
Chicken scratching , 248 , 282
Chill out , 329 , 330 , 405
chord structure , 343
drum loop , 332
‘ Chipmunk’ style vocals , 461
Chopping style , 271 , 348 , 472
Chord progression , 214 , 356
Chords , 54 , 162 , 206 –12 , 279–80 ,
310 –11 , 342–4 , 345 , 355–6 , 357
Chowning, John , 27
Claps , 67 , 97 , 98 , 99 , 236 , 239 , 274 , 381
Classic 500MkII , 474
Classical music , 131 ,220 , 223
Clinton, George , 233 , 283
Clock rate , 63
Clock ticks , 182
Club arrangement ,461 , 462
CMaj ’ , 208
Coarse Tuning , 194
Coles 4038 , 171
Colour Him Father , 347
Comb fi lter , 16 , 18 , 73
Come On Get Up Everybody , 85
Commercial vocals , 163–4
Comping , 458
Complex waveforms, creating , 12–14
Compression ,31 , 306
attack/release , 35
hold control , 37
make-up gain
, 36
peak/RMS , 36
ratio , 34–5
settings , 38
side chaining , 36–7
soft/hard knee , 35
threshold , 34
see also Practical compression ; Standard
Compressor , 31 , 32 , 72 , 73 , 74 , 158 , 289 ,
Computer-based digital compressors ,
Computer burbles , 121
Concave decay , 109 , 238 , 256 , 275
Condenser microphone , 153 , 154 , 156 ,
Congas , 99 , 236 , 238 , 239 , 253 , 332 , 386
Consonant chords , 206 , 207 , 320
Constant EQ , 376
Contracts , 463–4
Contrary motion , 213 , 214
Control change (CC) messages , 188–94
Control voltages (CV) , 166
Convex decay , 107 , 109 , 256
Copyright , 148
Cowbells , 98–9
Cox, Carl , 468
Craig, Carl , 285
Creative sampling , 145–6
Cristo , 467
Cross-fading , 136 , 460
Cross modulation , 27
Cubase ,301
Cubase sequencer , 181 , 182
Cubase SX , 456
Customizing sounds ,81 –4
Cut, drag and drop method , 456
Cutting , 296 , 471
Cybotron , 283
Cymbal crash , 269
Cymbals , 97–8 , 382
D-Vinyl , 477
Da Capo , 257 , 311
‘ Daisy chain ’ , 184
Dalek voice , 121
Dance ( Disco Heat ) , 85
Dance fl oor, works on , 469–70
Dance With You , 84
Dancehall , 272 , 273 , 348 , 354
Darey, Matt , 80
DAT , 427–8 , 437
Data Button Decrement controller , 194