capitalism is rendering an ever greater percentage of workers superuous,
what about the project of reuniting the "living dead" of global capitalism,
those le behind by neo-capitalist "progress;' those rendered useless
and obsolete, those unable to adapt to the new conditions? e wager
of course, that one might enact a direct short -circuit between these le
overs of history and history's most progressive aspect.
e "Public Us e of Reason"
is brings us to the next elementary denition of communism: in
contrast to socialism, communism refers to singular universality, to the
direct link between the singular and the universal, bypassing partic
ar determinations. en Paul says that, from a Christian standpoint,
"there are no men or women, no Jews or Greeks;' he thereby claims that
ethnic roots, national identities, etc., are not a catego of truth. To put
in precise Kantian terms: when we reect upon our ethnic roots, we
ngage in a private use of reason, constrained by contingent dogmatic
resuppositions; that is, we act as "immature" indiduals, not as free
umans who dwe in the dimension of the universality of reason. e
opposition between Kant and Rorty with regard to this distinction of
public and private is rarely noted, but is nonetheless crucial. Both sharply
distinguish between the two domains, but in opposite ways. For Ro
the great contemporary liberal par excellence, the private is the space of
our idiosyncrasies where creativity and wild imagination re and mor
considerations are (ost) suspended; the public, on the contrary, is e
space of social interaction where we are obliged to obey the res in order
not to hurt others. In Ror's own terms, the private is the space of irony,
while the public is the space of solidarity. For Kant, however, the public
space of the "world-civ-society" exemplies the paradox of univers
sinlarity, of a singular subject who, in a nd of short-circuit, bypassing
the mediation of the particular, directly participates in the Universal. s
then is what Kant, in a famous passage from his essay "What is Eighten
ment?" means by "public" as opposed to "private": "private" designates not