e interpretive demystication is here thus relatively easy, since
it mobizes the tension beeen form and content: to be consistent,
"honest" liberal democrat have to admit that the content of his ideo
logical premise belies its fo rm, and thus radicalize the fo rm (the
egalitarian axiom) by way of plementing the content more thoroughly.
(e main alternative is the retreat into cynicism: "we ow egalitari
anism is an impossible dream, so let us pretend that we are egalitarians,
while silently accepting the necessary limitations .. :' )
In the case of the "Jew" as the fascistic fe tish, the interpretive
demystification is much more dict (thereby conrming the clinical
insight that a fe tishist cannot be undermined with an interpretation of the
"meaning" of his fetish-fetishists fe el satised in their fe tishes, they
experience no need to be rid of them). In practical political terms, this
means that it is almost impossible to "enlighte an exploited worker who
blames "the Jews" fo r his misery-explaining to him how the "Jew" is the
wrong enemy, promoted by his true enemy (the rg class) in order to
obscure the true struggle-and thus to direct his attention away from
"Jews" and towards "capitalists:' (Even empiricay, while many commu
nists jOined the Nazis in Germany in the 1920S and 1930S, and whe many
disappointed communist voters in France over the last few decades have
turned to Le Pen's National Front, the opposite process has been extremely
rare.) To put it in crude political terms, the paradox is thus that, whe the
subject of the rst mystication is primarily the enemy (the liberal
"bourgeois" who thinks he is ghting for universal equality and freedom),
and whe the subjects of the second mystication are primary "our own'
(the underpriveged themselves, who are seduced into directg their rage
at the wrong target), eective and practical "demysticatio is much easier
in the rst case an in the second.
e contemporary hegemonic ideological scene is thus split between
these two modes of fe tishism, the cynical and the fundamentist, both
impervious to "rational" argumentative criticism. Whe the ndamen
talist ignores (or at least mistrusts) argumentation, blindly clinging to
his fe tish, the cynic pretends to accept argumentation, but ignores its