describes the main stages in feminism development and essentials of
feminist ideologies.
Particularities of gender application in the sphere of politics are
analyzed in Section 8 “Gender and Politics”. It reveals the nature and
specifics of gender approach to politics, gender characteristics of state
(legislative, executive and judicial) power, gender issues relating to
political leadership.
Section 9 “Gender Issues and Mass Media” draws attention to the
public sphere of the society at large and reveals mechanisms for
institutionalizing gender inequality through mass media.
Section 10 “Gender and Law” is intended to justify an objective
need for regulating gender processes. It reviews the conceptions of
natural and social rights, discusses their gender determinants and
sheds light on the impact that a society’s gender composition has on
its legal system development. Key gender-relating notions of law are
defined and analyzed, including: equal rights, equal freedoms, equal
duties and equal opportunities.
Section 11 “Gender Relations in Economy” explores the
economic aspects of social relations between men and women,
providing arguments in favour of introducing gender dimensions into
the study of economic relations at micro and macro levels. Discussed
are the problems of economic power and economic dependence, in-
family division of responsibilities, economic evaluation of women’s
unpaid labour and “child value”. The topic area “women and men in
the labour market” embraces such essential issues as correlation
between gender and labour motivation, gender aspects of economic
behaviour and gender factors of unemployment. Gender inequality in
income is considered from the standpoint of gender segregation and
its social, economic and political implications.
The issue of gender-based division of authority in the family,
described in the previous section, is further elaborated, in a greater
detail, in Section 12 “Gender Relations in a Family”. Here one can
read about the evolution of family forms and status at various stages
of humankind’s historical development, characteristics of patriarchic
and egalitarian types of family relations, diverse opinions on marriage