238 Chaotic Modelling and Simulation
When v = 0, the parameter b is set equal to 1. When v = c, then b = 0. In reality,
v ≪ c and the values of b are close to 1. However, even for small relativistic speeds,
the influence on the chaotic bulge and on the space around the bulge is quite evident.
Figure 11.12(a) illustrates the chaotic bulge and the space outside the central chaotic
space. We launch particles at x = (−1.5, −1.4, . . . , 0) and y = 0.1. The space outside
the chaotic bulge is characterised by closed curves and islands.
A relativistic speed equal to 1000km/sec corresponds to b = 0.9999945 for the
space contraction parameter b. The influence of this change of parameter b in the
shape of the previous object is illustrated in Figure 11.12(b). First of all, we observe
that the non-chaotic lines outside the chaotic bulge disappear. On the other hand,
the lines expand, covering more space and joining each other. Over time, the space
outside the chaotic image is covered by particles that are directed towards the chaotic
bulge. The non-chaotic islands are shorter. This is more clear in Figure 11.12(c), in
which the relativistic speed is v = 2500km/sec, corresponding to a shape contraction
parameter b = 0.999965. When v = 2760km/sec, a chaotic limit is present. The
islands in the chaotic sea are transformed into attracting regions, as illustrated in
Figure 11.12(d). The particles from the chaotic bulge are directed into these regions,
and the equilibrium points in these regions become attracting sinks.
When the relativistic speed v is between 2760km/sec and 89000km/sec, the par-
ticles are guided to the points of attraction. However, a change in the images takes
place as the relativistic speed gets higher. This is shown in Figures 11.13(a) through
11.13(f). After the limiting speed v ≈ 2760km/sec, symmetry breaks down. This
is very clear when v = 10000km/sec and b = 0.99944 (Figure 11.13(b)). In Fig-
ures 11.13(c) through 11.13(e), the relativistic speed takes higher values (those val-
ues being v = 20000km/sec and b = 0.99778, 50000km/sec and b = 0.9860, and
70, 000km/sec and b = 0.9724 respectively), and the images take a rotation form
with three main arms and a smaller one. When v = 89, 000km/sec and b = 0.954981,
the rotating image has the form of a chaotic attractor where there are no attracting
points or sinks, and the particles are trapped in the space covered by the chaotic
attractor. The attractor is a totally non-symmetric rotation object with two main
rotation arms and a smaller one (Figure 11.13(f)). A circular disk is centred at
(x, y) = (a, 0).
The chaotic attractor becomes sharper for high relativistic speeds, namely values
higher than v = 89, 000km/sec, as illustrated in the following two figures. In Fig-
ure 11.14(a) the chaotic image is simulated for v = 120, 000km/sec and b = 0.9165,
whereas in Figure 11.14(b) the relativistic speed is in the upper limit for attractor
formation, at v ≈ 170000km/sec (b = 0.8239471).
A very surprising property of the rotation-translation system is that the chaotic
image produced under the relativistic influence in large relativistic speeds is present
at the beginning of the process, when time t is very small, if the area contracting
parameter b = 1. In Figures 11.15(a) through 11.15(f), illustrations of the chaotic
evolution during the first time periods appear.
The particles introduced at time t = 0 are distributed in a small circle centred at the
origin. The radius of this circle is r
= 0.01. At the beginning of the process, at time
t = 10, the image is similar to that appearing in Figure 11.14(b), where the relativistic