Financial Statement Modeling
3.1 Overview
The usefulness of fi nancial-statement projections for corporate fi nancial
management is undisputed. Such projections, termed pro forma fi nancial
statements, are the bread and butter of much corporate fi nancial analysis.
In this and the next chapter we will focus of the use of pro formas for
valuing the fi rm and its component securities, but pro formas also form
the basis for many credit analyses; by examining pro forma fi nancial
statements we can predict how much fi nancing a fi rm will need in future
years. We can play the usual “what if” games of simulation models, and
we can use pro formas to ask what strains on the fi rm may be caused by
changes in fi nancial and sales parameters.
In this chapter we present a variety of fi nancial models. All the models
are sales driven, in that they assume that many of the balance-sheet and
income-statement items are directly or indirectly related to sales. The
mathematical structure of solving the models involves fi nding the solu-
tion to a set of simultaneous linear equations predicting both the balance
sheets and the income statements for the coming years. However, the
user of a spreadsheet need never worry about the solution of the model;
the fact that spreadsheets can solve—by iteration—the fi nancial rela-
tions of the model means that we only have to worry about correctly
stating the relevant accounting relations in our Excel model.
3.2 How Financial Models Work: Theory and an Initial Example
Almost all fi nancial-statement models are sales driven; this term means
that as many as possible of the most important fi nancial statement vari-
ables are assumed to be functions of the sales level of the fi rm. For
example, accounts receivable are often taken as a direct percentage of
the sales of the fi rm. A slightly more complicated example might postu-
late that the fi xed assets (or some other account) are a step function of
the level of sales:
1. The mathematics of balance-sheet spreadsheets involve an iterative method for solving
simultaneous equations known as the Gauss-Seidel method. Although you do not need
to know this method to understand the contents of this chapter, it may be interesting
to know that Gauss-Seidel can be implemented directly in Excel. For details, see
Chapter 32.