164 Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
The most important thing is not to touch the floor with your
stomach, your head, or your knees, and to press up until your
arms are locked straight. You should do it with a steady move-
ment, like a piston, up and down, up and down. And always do
full repetitions. The muscle that will get the most from this exer-
cise is the pectoral muscle, the whole pectoral muscle. You will
feel blood rushing into this area. But it's not merely the pectoral
muscle that pushes up the body; the triceps and the front deltoid
work with it. (I'm talking just about the normal push-up with
your fingertips toward the front. Later you can use different hand
positions to stimulate different muscle areas. For instance, if you
start turning the hands toward the inside it will go more into the
triceps and deltoid area, less to the pecs.)
Don't worry about the sets and repetitions in the beginning.
Within a few weeks, you should work up to a total of 50 repeti-
tions. You can do 10 five times, or 5 ten times. Just pick a certain
number of repetitions and remember to observe the strict form.
If you're athletically talented and have no problem doing 50,
then you should go to 100. The number depends on the person,
but you should give yourself a nice workout. Some guys struggle
with 10 repetitions. Others who do 50 easily should go further,
maybe two or three sets of 50. But basically I would start at 50
push-ups a day and work your way up slowly.
If you can do a lot of repetitions easily and you want to get
more resistance, elevate your feet, using a chair at first, then a
DIPS BETWEEN CHAIRS—Take two chairs that are strong
enough to hold your body weight and place them approximately
shoulder width apart, back to back, the backs parallel. Take hold
of each chair as shown in photo. Bend your legs at the knees,
finding a stable way of holding yourself balanced so you don't
fall forward, and push your body up until your arms are locked
straight. Let your body come down as slowly as you can and
try to touch your front deltoids on the chair backs. Then slowly
press your body weight up again. Keep your legs bent. Exhale as
you push up, inhale as you let your body down. Go up and down
evenly but slowly. Look directly ahead during the movements
and try to keep your body as straight as possible.