146 Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder
the shot farther and with more accuracy was directly connected
to the increase in pounds of weight he lifted while training in
the gym. Karl Schranz, a skier with a body weight of only 160
pounds, went on television and demonstrated the 400-pound
squats he did for his legs. O. J. Simpson was able to win the
Superstar games with the extra points he won from weight lift-
ing. It works for the guy who builds his body to be Mr. Universe,
for someone who simply wants to trim down his stomach and
broaden his shoulders a little bit, or for someone who needs to
improve his circulation. Weight training is being used more and
more for physical therapy following orthopedic operations. Its
benefits go far beyond physical fitness. Bobby Fischer lifted
weights to help him feel more confident before the world cham-
pionships in chess.
Weight resistance training develops every muscle in your
body. Which is not something you can say for any other sport.
Take tennis, for example. After you've played for some time,
your legs will develop; but nothing significant happens to your
shoulders, back, chest, or abdominal muscles. I discovered a sim-
ilar thing when I was skiing. I built up incredible endurance in
my legs, but my arms and upper body stayed weak. In other
words, in almost every sport there are some muscles, some areas
of the body, that are neglected. But I can promise you one thing
about progressive resistance weight training: if you are doing
your workouts properly, after a short time you will notice that
you not only feel and look better, but that your tennis, golf,
skiing, swimming or whatever will be greatly improved. You'll
have better stamina, agility, coordination and resilience.
The General Nature of Exercise
One very good reason to train is that the body doesn't get
enough physical activity to keep it tuned and responsive. A
hundred years ago we had to do everything with our bodies. We
had to walk to a farm to get milk, we worked to get lumber and
stones for building a house. We had to work with our hands, we
had to run, we had to crawl under things, we had to swim. The