The Superset Program (Six-Day Schedule) 251
flyes provide a stretching in the pectorals necessary to counteract
the constant flexing they get from the bench press. T-Bar Rowing
works the inner portion of the back which is close to the spine. I
attribute much of my upper back detailing to T-Bar rowing. I
can't think of a much more satisfying feeling than to have the
pecs and the back pumped at the same time. This superset, done
without pause, will give you that double pump.
Do five sets of 10 to 12 repetitions of each exercise.
4. PULL-OVERS—A pull-over is already a combination of
movements. There is no other exercise that works as directly on
the rib cage, the intercostals, and the serratus muscles. It gives
you additional lung capacity and increases the height of your
chest carriage. If you do it with your arms fairly straight you will
feel not only a stretching in the pectorals but also a pump in the
Do five sets of 15 repetitions with very little rest between sets.
may appear
strange to be putting together two deltoid exercises, but there is
a good reason. The press behind the neck develops the front
deltoid and the lateral raises develop the side deltoid. You are
training one muscle, but it is divided into three parts and these
exercises isolate two of those parts.
Do five sets of 12 to 15 repetitions of each exercise.
CURLS—The rea-
son I combine these two movements is that the bent-over lateral
raise is an exercise that takes a lot of concentration to maintain
the proper style, while the wrist curl is a relatively easy move-
ment that you can do to fill the time gap between sets. Doing
lateral raises in a bent-over position often calls for lighter
weights; as a result, many bodybuilders tend to become sloppy
in their movements. Concentrate on form. Keep your thumbs
pointing down and lift the dumbbells slightly to the front. Pro-
ceed to the wrist curl without a rest.
Do five sets of 15 repetitions of each exercise.
7. CALF RAISES AND SIT-UPS—Finish the day with a vigorous
workout for your calves and waist. Do a total of five sets of 15