7.7.5 Sulfide smelting and converting reactions
These reactions take place at sufficiently high temperatures, where the chemical
reactions are very rapid. Thus, the overall rate of the process is determined by
mass transfer between the gas and the molten phase. Further, in most operations,
the process is designed and operated under the conditions in which mass transfer
is also very rapid. Therefore, the overall rate is often determined by the supply
rate of the oxygen-containing process gas, which is dependent on other factors
such as heat generations and removal, erosion of refractory and gas injectors,
melt splashing and sloshing, etc.
The major reactions in sulfide smelting and converting steps are the oxidation
of sulfur and iron, as discussed in Section 7.2. Another critical factor is the
removal and distribution of minor elements. The rates of their removal also
depend on the injection rate of the process gas, but an important addi tional factor
in this respect is the equilibrium relationships that describe the distribution ratios
of the minor elements among the gas, slag, and matte or metal phases. The minor
element removal stops with the gas injection at the end of the iron and sulfur
removal. In the case of the fire-refining process in which the removal of the
impurities is the main objective, the process continues until the impurity
concentrations become sufficiently low. In both cases, the rate of impurity
removal is largely dependent on the gas supply rates and the thermodynamics of
impurity distribution. Much work has been done in this respect, and the reader is
referred to the literature for details (Nagamori and Sohn, 2000; Kim and Sohn,
1998a, 1998b, 1997, 1996; Chaubal and Nagamori, 1988; Nagamori and
Chaubal, 1982; Nagamori and Mackey, 1978).
7.8 Comprehensive process modeling
In traditional metallurgical process modeling, it was possible to incorporate only
the simplified aspects of fluid flow, mixing, and mass/heat transfer into the
analysis of process rates and reactor design. As a result, accurate and realistic
incorporation and simulations of many aspects of complex processes have not
been possible. With the advent of high-speed, high-capacity computing devices
and technologies, complex processes have become amenable to analysis and
modeling. This has also resulted in the merging of various disciplines in
formulating detailed descriptions of complex processes. Developments that
exemplify this in the field of metal lurgical process modeling are discussed in
this section.
7.8.1 Flash smelting process
The flash smelting process is important in the production of non-ferrous metals
from sulfide minerals. A schematic diagram of this process is given in Fig. 7.17.
In this process, fine, dried mineral particles and fluxes are injected into the
320 Fundamentals of metallurgy