the presence of lime improves the otherwise unfavorable thermodynamics of
reaction 7.116a by removing hydrogen sulfide from the gas phase. Reaction
7.116b is highly favorable thermodynamically. The second example is the
roasting of sulfide minerals in the presence of lime (Haver and Wong, 1972;
Bartlett and Haung, 1973; Haung and Bartlett, 1976).
Sohn and co-workers (Sohn and Rajamani, 1977; Rajamani and Sohn, 1983;
Sohn and Won, 1985) developed a model for successive gas±solid reactions in a
porous pellet. The model takes into consider ation the effects of the relative
amounts of the solids, grain sizes, the pellet size and porosity, and the diffusion
of gaseous species, as well as the effect of improved thermodynamics in systems
represented by the first example. The model describes not only the rates of
reaction of the solid reacta nts but also the fraction of the intermediate gas (the
sulfur-containing gases in the above examples) that is captured by the second
solid (lime in the above examples).
Staged reaction of a solid with a gas in which the solid forms a series of
thermodynamically stable intermediate phases
A notab le example of such a system is the gaseous reduction of hematite (Fe
to iron through the successive formation of magnetite (Fe
) and wustite (FeO)
(Sohn and Chauba1, 1984; Sohn, 1981).
Simultaneous reactions between solid reactants and gases
This type of system can be describ ed by writing the expressions for the
consumption of the gaseous reactants by the different solids as well as the
conversion of different solids by reac tion with different gases in equations 7.82
and 7.83 together with equat ions 7.2 and 7.3 and solving the resulting equation
by a numerical method. The reader is referred to the literature for further detail
(Sohn and Braun, 1980, 1984; Lin and Sohn, 1987; Paul et al., 1992).
Multiparticle systems
In the above sections, the discussion mainly involved the analysis of reactions
taking place in a single particle or pellet of solids. The eventual objective for
studying single particle systems is, of course, to apply the results to the analysis
and design of multiparticle systems of industrial importance. Examples of
multiparticle gas±solid contacting equipment include packed beds, moving beds,
fluidized beds, and rotary kilns. The extension of single particle studies to
multiparticle systems will depend on the nature of the particulate asse mblages,
the mode of gas±solid contacting, and the spatial variation of the gas properties
within the system. Therefore, general analyses of these processes will not be
presented here, and the reader is referred to the literature for developments in
this area (Zhou and Sohn, 1996; Paul et al., 1992; Sohn, 1991; Rhee and Sohn,
The kinetics of metallurgical reactions 309