Index 1005
translation, 134–136
of frames, 136
orientation and, 135
transform, 134
vector length and, 135
See also affine transformations
transversality, 6
binary search tree for, 778
entire plane as, 777
forcing partitioning of, 778
formula, 955
horizontal decomposition into,
insertion pseudocode, 782
merged, 783, 784
“outside,” 780
triangulation support, 782–783
unbounded, 777, 778
triangle connectivity
dodecahedron, 349–350
hexahedron, 348
icosahedron, 350–351
tetrahedron, 347
See also platonic solids
triangle formulas, 949–953
definitions for, 950–952
equilateral triangle, 953
general triangle, 953
right triangle, 952
symbols for, 949–950
triangle intersections, 485–488
with cone, 583–587
with line, 485–488
with linear components,
with plane, 534–539
with polygon, 545–546
with ray, 488
with segment, 488
with triangle, 539–542, 721
See also intersections (3D)
triangle meshes
defined, 334
illustrated, 335
triangle/cone intersection, 583–587
cone axis and plane, 586
culling of triangles, 583
defined, 583
at edge point, 584
edge test, 585
find intersection, 586–587
at interior triangle point, 584
test intersection, 583–586
at vertex, 584
vertex test, 584
triangle/plane intersection,
configurations, 534–535
configurations illustration, 536
defined, 534
illustrated, 535
pseudocode, 535–539
See also intersections (3D)
triangle/triangle intersection,
algorithm outline, 542
configurations, 539
configurations illustration, 540
defined, 539
edge-face, 540
interval overlap configurations,
See also intersections (3D)
in 2D, 175–177
area, 816, 950
barycentric form, 175, 176
bounding box, 207
center of gravity, 950
circumcenter, 951
circumradius, 951
clockwise, 175
counterclockwise, 175
culling of, 583
defined, 175
domain, 175, 176
edges, 771, 790
incenter, 951
incircle of, 285
inradius, 951
intersection of altitudes, 952
intersection of angle bisectors,
intersection of medians, 950
intersection of perpendicular
bisectors, 951
line to, 434, 437–441
linear component to, 433–441
moving, edge-to-edge contact,
needlelike, 697
nonintersecting, 541
parametric form, 175, 176, 435
perimeter, 950
point in, 695–697
point to (2D), 196–211
point to (3D), 376–382
range, 175, 176
ray to, 441
segment to, 441
signed area of, 176
supertriangle, 757–758
vertices, 175, 376, 541, 583
See also triangle intersections
triangular matrices, 34
defined, 34
determinant of, 37
lower, 34
properties, 34
upper, 34
See also matrices
triangular system, 828
triangulation, 771–775
2D, 766
by ear clipping, 772–775
by horizontal decomposition,
canonical, 792–794
defined, 756, 771
Delaunay, 756–767
monotone mountain, 789
monotone polygon, 785–789
trigonometric functions, 926–934
for acute angles, 927–928
cosecant, 927, 929
cosine, 926, 929
cotangent, 927, 929
definitions in terms of
exponentials, 930
derivatives of, 931–933