3.3 Inverse Trigonometric Functions 79
3.3 Inverse Trigonometric Functions
Recall that a function f from a set A toasetB is a relation between A and B such
that for each element of A, f assigns exactly one element in B. The function is said
to have an inverse f
if one can reverse the assignment. That is, f has an inverse
if for every y in B, there is a unique solution x in A of the equation
If that is the case, we can define the inverse function f
by setting f
(y) = x
where x is the unique solution of f(x)=y. Note that for every y in B,wehave
and that for every x in A,wehave
(y) =f
For a function f to have an inverse, it must be one-to-one, that is, if f(x)=f(y),
then x = y. Since the trigonometric functions sin and cos are periodic, they cannot
be one-to-one. For instance, sin(2π) = sin(0),but2π = 0. However, if we restrict
the domain, the function may become one-to-one. We start with sin.
Inverse of the Sine function
Consider sin on [−π/2,π/2]. Then, it has an inverse function denoted by
arcsin which is defined on [−1, 1]and differentiable on (−1, 1). Its derivative
(x) =
1 −x
for all x ∈(−1, 1).
We first need the sign of (sin)
=cos on (−π/2,π/2).Wehave
cos(x) > 0forx ∈[0,π/2),
since cos(0) = 1 and π/2 is defined as the smallest positive 0 of cos. Moreover,
cos is even, so cos(x) = cos(−x) > 0forx in (−π/2, 0]. Therefore, sin is strictly
increasing on (−π/2,π/2), and so is one-to-one. Let y be in [−1, 1]. Since
sin(−π/2) =−1 and sin(π/2) =1
and sin is continuous on [−π/2,π/2], we may apply the intermediate value theo-
rem: there is x in [−π/2,π/2] such that
sin(x) =y.
Moreover, x is unique since sin is one-to-one on [−
]. Hence, we may de-
fine the function arcsin by
arcsin(y) =x