1.2 Natural Numbers and Integers 7
Example 1.1 Let r be a rational such that 0 <r<1. Show that r can be written in
irreducible form. That is, r may be written as the ratio of two naturals that have no
common divisors but 1.
A ={n ∈N :nr ∈N}.
Since r is a rational, there are naturals a and b such that
r =
Therefore, rb = a, and since a is a natural, b is in A. Hence, A is a nonempty subset
of naturals. By the well-ordering principle, A has a minimum m.
Let k = mr. Since m is in A, k is a natural. We now need to show that k and
m are relatively prime. We do a proof by contradiction. Assume that d>1 divides
both k and m. Therefore, there are naturals k
and m
such that
k =k
d and m =m
Since k = mr, we get k
d =m
dr. Thus, k
= m
r. In particular, m
must be in A,
but m
<m, the minimum of A. Hence, we have a contradiction: the naturals k and
m have no common divisor, and r =k/m is irreducible.
Principle of induction
Let P be a subset of N. Assume the following two properties for P :
(i) 1 belongs to P .
(ii) If n belongs to P , then n +1 belongs to P .
Then P is all of N.
We now prove the principle of induction. Let T be the set of all naturals that
are not in P . We want to show that T is empty, so that P = N.Wedoaproofby
contradiction. That is, we assume that T is nonempty, and we use our axioms to
show that this leads to a statement that is not true. This forces to conclude that T
must be empty.
If T is nonempty, by the well-ordering principle, T has a minimum that we de-
note by a. Since 1 belongs to P , a cannot be 1. We must have a>1. The number
a − 1 is a natural (since a>1) and cannot be in T since a is the minimum of T .
Thus, a − 1isinP . By (ii), a − 1 + 1 = a is also in P . That is, a is in P .Buta
is also in T , that is, not in P . We have a contradiction: a is in P and is not in P .
Hence, T is empty, and the principle of induction is proved.
We will now see an application of the induction principle.
Example 1.2 Show that the sum of the first n natural numbers is