1.3 Rational Numbers and Real Numbers 17
Finite sets
Let A be a finite nonempty set. That is, A can be written as
A ={a
for some natural number n and some real numbers a
. Then A has
a minimum (which is also its greatest lower bound) and a maximum (which
is also its least upper bound).
The properties above make sense intuitively: just order your finite set in increas-
ing order. This can be proved by induction on the number of elements in the sets.
Since this is tedious and not very instructive, we will omit this proof.
The following example is a typical application in analysis of least upper bounds.
Example 1.9 Assume that A has a least upper bound m. Show that there is an ele-
ment a in A such that a>m−1/2.
Observe that m −1/2 cannot be an upper bound of A since m −1/2 <mand m
is the least upper bound. Recall that, by definition, m is an upper bound of A if for
every a in A, a ≤ m. Hence, m −1/2 is not an upper bound of A means that there
is at least one a in A such that a>m−1/2. This proves our claim.
Example 1.10 The fundamental property does not hold for the rationals. Consider
A =
r ∈Q :r>
That is, A is the set of all rationals strictly larger than
2. The set A is not empty
(2 is in A) and is bounded below by
2. Assume, by contradiction, that A has
a greatest lower bound m in the rationals. If m<
2, then as we will see below
(by the density property of the rationals), it is always possible to squeeze a rational
between two real numbers. Hence, there is a rational q such that
2 >q>m.
Then q is a lower bound of A (why?) and is larger than the greatest lower bound m.
We have a contradiction. Therefore, the rational m must be larger than or equal to
2. Since
2 is irrational, it must be strictly larger than
2. Again by the density
of the rationals, we may find a rational s such that
2 <s<m.
This implies that s is in A and therefore contradicts the fact that m is a lower bound
of A. We reach a contradiction again. Thus, there is no rational greatest lower bound
of A. The fundamental property does not hold in the rationals. Observe, however,
that by the fundamental property of the reals, A has a greatest lower bound in R.It
2, see the exercises.
We turn to another important property of the reals.