6.2 Properties of the Integral 189
(b) Let R be the union of P and Q. Show that
U(f,R)=U(f,P)+U(f,Q) and L(f, R) =L(f, P ) +L(f, Q).
(c) Show that U(f,R)−L(f, R) < . Conclude that f is integrable on [a,b].
12. Let f be continuous on (a, b] and bounded on [a,b]. That is, there is K such
that |f(x)|<Kfor all x in [a,b]. In this problem we show that f is integrable.
(a) Sketch the graph of a function defined on [a,b] but continuous only on
(a, b].
(b) Let >0. Show that there is a natural n such that 2K/n < /2.
(c) Show that there is a partition P of [a +1/n,b] such that
U(f,P)−L(f, P ) < /2.
(d) Let Q be the partition of [a,b] obtained by adding a to the partition P .
Show that
n and
L(f, P ) −L(f, Q)
(e) Show that U(f,Q)−L(f, Q) < . Conclude that f is integrable on [a,b].
13. Let f be bounded on [a,b] and continuous except at one point c ∈(a, b).
(a) Show that f is integrable on [a,c] and on [c, b]. Use Exercise 12.
(b) Show that f is integrable on [a,b]. Use Exercise 11.
(c) Show that if a function is bounded on [a,b] and continuous except at
finitely many points, then the function is integrable.
14. Assume that f is 0 on [a,b] except at c where a<c<b.
(a) Use Exercise 13(c) to show that f is integrable.
(b) Assume that f(c)>0. Show that for every natural n,wehave
0 ≤
f ≤f(c)
b −a
(Recall that for any partition P ,wehaveL(f, P ) ≤
f ≤U(f,P).)
(c) Show that
f =0.
15. Show that if a function is 0 except at finitely many points, then the function is
integrable, and its integral is 0. (Use Exercise 14.)
16. (a) Assume that f is integrable on [a,b] and that f =g except at finitely many
points. Show that g is integrable. (Use Exercise 15.)
(b) Show that
g =
f .
6.2 Properties of the Integral
We start by stating some useful properties of greatest lower bounds and least upper
bounds. Recall that if f is a bounded function on [a,b], then the set
f(x);x ∈[a,b]
has a least upper bound M(f,[a,b]) and a greatest lower bound m(f, [a,b]). When
there is no ambiguity, we will use the shorter notation M(f) and m(f ).