168 5 Continuity, Limits, and Differentiation
Either a belongs to I , or it does not. Assume first that a belongs to I . Since a is an
upper bound of I if x belongs to I , we have that x ≤a. Hence, I ⊂ (−∞,a].We
want to show that in fact I = (−∞,a].Lety<a. Since I is not bounded below,
there must be a z in I such that z<y. Hence, z<y<awhere z and a are in I .
Since I is an interval, y is in I. This proves that (−∞,a]⊂I , and so (−∞,a]=I .
The second possibility is that a, the least upper bound of I , is not in I .Wehave
that I ⊂ (−∞,a).Lety<a. Since a is the least upper bound of I , y cannot be
an upper bound of I . Thus, there is z
in I such that y<z
<a. On the other
hand, since I is not bounded below, there is a z
in I such that z
<y. Hence,
with z
and z
in I . Using the definition of an interval, we get that y is
in I . Therefore, (−∞,a)⊂I and I =(−∞,a).
By using the method of Example 5.28 it is possible to show (see the exercises)
that all intervals are of the type above. More precisely, if I is an interval, then either
there is a real a such that I =(−∞,a)or (−∞,a],or(a, ∞) or [a,∞), or there are
reals a and b such that I =(a, b), [a,b), (a, b],or[a,b]. Finally, R =(−∞, +∞)
is also an interval.
Intervals such as (−∞,a), (a, ∞), and (a, b) are said to be open. Intervals such
as (−∞,a], [a,∞), and [a,b]
are said to be closed. Intervals such as (a,
b] are
neither open nor closed.
Recall that a function f is said to be one-to-one on D if for all x and y in D,
f(x)=f(y)implies x =y.
The next result makes a link between several notions.
One-to-one and strictly monotone functions
Let f be continuous on an interval I . The function f is one-to-one on I if
and only if it is strictly monotone.
One direction is immediate. Assume that f is strictly monotone. Then if f(x)=
f(y),wemusthavex = y. For if there is a strict inequality between x and y, there
must be a strict inequality between f(x) and f(y) (since f is strictly monotone).
Hence, f is one-to-one.
Assume now that f is one-to-one and continuous on the interval I . We want to
show that f is strictly monotone. We do a proof by contradiction. If f is not strictly
monotone, there must be three reals x,y,z in I with x<y<zsuch that either
(f (x) < f (y) and f (y) > f (z)) or (f (x) > f (y) and f (y) < f (z)). Both cases
will lead to a contradiction. We treat the first one. The second one will be done in
the exercises.
Assume that x<y<z, f(x)<f(y), and f(y)>f(z). There are two subcases.
Either f(z)<f(x) or f(z)> f(x). Consider first f(z)< f(x).Letc = f(x),
then f(z)<c<f(y). Since f is continuous on [y,z], by the Intermediate Value
Theorem, there is x
in (y, z) such that f(x
) = c.Butf(x)=c as well, and f is
one-to-one. Hence, x =x
. Since x<yand x
>y, we get a contradiction. We can-
not have f(z)<f(x). Since f(z)= f(x)(why not?), we must have f(z)>f(x).